Chapter 11 Movie Night With Thor.

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Alina went to her room to change, she decided to change into her red cotton tank top and sleep shorts, she put on a pair of slipper socks and headed for the elevator. When she got to Thor's floor, he wasn't in the living room, so she plopped down on the sofa to wait for him. He came in a few minutes later wearing a black muscle shirt and grey sweat pants. Alina was stunned, she could see his muscles rippling through his muscle shirt and his huge biceps. Thor smirked at the expression on her face.

"Have I stunned you, Alina?" Thor asked with a cocky grin.

"What? Oh sorry, yes you did."

Thor chuckles, but as he gets closer, he stops dead in his tracks. He begins to ogle her, his eyes run up her legs to the short red shorts she is wearing and up to the cotton tank top that clings to her body, showing off the fullness of her breasts. He realizes that she is not wearing a bra, he could she the outline of her nipples.

Thor licks his lips as his mouth begins to water, how he desperately want to run his hands over her body and suckle on her nipples. He wants to feel her body writhing in ecstasy under his, feel her warm wet sex as he plunges into her. Thor shakes his head to dispel the erotic images from his mind.

Alina gives him a worried look, "Is something the matter?"

She had never seen a man look at her with such a lustful look before, so she had no idea what it meant.

Thor smiles at the confused look on her face, "No, nothing is the matter, My Lady." He says as he walks over to the sofa, "Now what movie would you like to watch?"

"Let's watch the Princess Bride."

"What is it about?"

"It's the story of a farmhand named Westley, accompanied by befriended companions along the way, who must rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck."

Thor cocked an eyebrow, "Humperdink?"

"Yes, I know it's a stupid name but it's a good movie."

Thor chuckled, he sat down next to Alina and placed his arm around her shoulders, "Alright let us watch that."

Alina took the remote and started Netflix, she chose the Princess Bride and snuggled into Thor's side. They looked at each other and smiled, his arm tightening more around her as they settled down to watch the movie.

The movie ended and Thor stretched, "That was a lovely movie, Alina, I enjoyed it immensely."

"I'm glad you liked it, Thor."

Thor smiled down at her, "Shall we watch another?"

At that point Thor's stomach growls and Alina giggles, "How about we order a pizza first, then watch another movie."

"Better order two, I can finish one by myself." Thor says with a grin.

"Better order four, so can I." Alina said with a smirk.

Thor raised an eyebrow, "Four it is then, JARVIS, order four large pizzas with everything on them."

"Add pineapple."


"Trust me, you'll like it."

"Pineapple it is then."

"Oh, and JARVIS and no anchovies."

**Of course Ms. Alina**

"While we wait, how about a bottle of wine? JARVIS, what wine goes best with pizza?"

**That would be a Chianti DOCG.**

"Do we have any?"

**I will send it up right away.**

The bottle appeared a few seconds later on the kitchen table, Thor went to the cabinet taking out to wine glasses. He took the bottle of wine and easily opened it. He poured himself and Alina half a glass full of wine, clinking glasses with Thor Alina took a sip. It was very dry, it was full-bodied and has an aroma of cherries and sometimes violets, and has a flavor reminiscent of tart cherries.

Thor was mesmerized as Alina lowered her glass and licked her lips. He so desperately wanted to kiss the the wine from her lips, taste their sweetness. He walked over towards her, placing his glass on the counter, he took hers and did the same. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close. Lowering his head he closes his eyes and connects his lips to hers. They both sigh as they feel the jolt of electricity run through them again.

As the kiss begins to get more heated, JARVIS announces that the pizzas have arrived. Reluctantly they break apart, Alina goes to the elevator to wait for the delivery person. When he arrives, she pays for the pizzas giving the boy a $20.00 dollar tip. She takes the pizzas into the kitchen, where Thor has already taken out two plates. They serve themselves and go back into the living room to watch another movie. Thor enjoyed the taste of the pineapple on his pizza.

They were going to watch Love Actually, a movie that Alina has only seen once, and thought that Thor might enjoy that one too. Alina was going to put on Love Actually but accidentally puts on Original Sin, she had never seen the movie before so she decides to leave it. She cuddles up with Thor again as the movie begins.

It starts off as a simple movie with Angelina Jolie in prison confessing her sins to a priest before she is executed. As the movie progresses they see the main characters slowly begin to fall in love. Thor holds Alina tighter to his body, caressing her arm with his thumb. He glances at Alina every now and then from the corner of his eye and sees that her eyes are glued to the screen.

When the characters get to the love scene, Thor starts to feel a little uncomfortable in his sweats, his mouth goes dry at the thought of doing the exact same thing to the woman pressed against his side. He looks down at her, at the same time she looks up at him. Thor cups her face, leans down and kisses her tenderly. He turns his body so he is facing her and pulls her flush against him. Slowly Thor begins to deepen the kiss and Alina begins to respond.

She runs her fingers though his luscious blonde locks as he leans forward, pushing her into the sofa. He lays on top of her supporting his weight on his elbows. Thor kisses his way down her neck, biting and nibbling as he went. His hands caress her as they move up and down her body. He massages her breast through her shirt, causing her to moan. Thor positions himself between her legs and grinds his hardened manhood into her core, she gasps at the feel of him.

Thor runs his hand up her thigh until he get to her shorts, slowly he starts to pull them down. Suddenly Alina's eyes fly open, she has a look of panic in her eyes. She grabs Thor's hand, forcing it away from her shorts, then starts pushing on his chest so he'll get up.

"What is the matter?"

"Thor, stop, I can't. I can't do this, I'm sorry." Alina says as she slides out from under him and fixes her clothes. Giving him an apologetic look, she quickly heads for the elevator.

Thor quickly sits up, "Alina, wait!"

She doesn't turn around, getting in the elevator she hit the number to her floor and the doors close. Thor leans back into the sofa, rubbing his hands over his face, thinking he has just ruined everything.

"What have I done?"

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