Simple Revolution

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Disclaimer: I, wolfYLady, own nothing! I am nothing more than a humble writer whose entertainment comes from manipulating fictional characters. The anime/manga/show: Inuyasha and Dragon Ball/dbz belong to its respective owners and creators. Again I own nothing! Long live FANFICTION!

This is the story that Blooms in Winter is from. That story will be a rewrite of this one but with major plot differences.


Onyx eyes gleamed, happiness illuminating their dark steal depths as the only indicator of his unusually happy demeanor. There were only two things that could make the saiyan prince this happy; fighting, and being with his intended.

The prince walked quickly, eager to see his chosen.

As promised, Vegeta arrived early to meet Kagome outside her home. Today, as much as he hated the act, he would be saying, although hopefully brief, goodbye to his intended for an unknown amount of time, as he'd again been chosen for another planetary conquest mission. The inhabitants of the planet weren't known for their strength, but she still worried the same. It pleased him to be fortunate enough that his future mate cared so deeply for his safety, but he hated to be away from her for any length of time, he knew it affected her more than she let on.

Having been staring at the garden to his side Vegeta's head snapped up at the sound of footsteps against the stone that ran along the bottom of the lavish home; one of many that belonged only to those of high political standing. Her body a blur as she raced towards him, slim arms wrapping around his neck as his own held her firmly around the waist, holding her tight against his body.

They stayed that way for a long moment with his nose buried into the strands of her untamable mass of raven hair. He knew not the fragrance she wore, if she wore any at all for that matter, only that she smelled of home: his home. His tail unwrapped from his waist to caress hers, which was black compared to the russet brown of his, he'd hope the action would calm her, but her withdrawal told she was upset.

Her hands trailed down from his shoulders to grip his shirt -he'd made a point of not wearing his armor- and nearly shivered at the lightness of her touch. Looking down he caught sight of her sapphire eyes, swirling in their depths were anxiety and fear, and so much more emotions that he couldn't even begin to name. "You need not to worry, I'll be back before you know it," he breathed in a gentle whisper. Caressing her hair, he gently sweeps it from her eyes.

Kagome shivers, her heart fluttering at the gentleness in his gaze.

Everything about Vegeta drew her deeper into her love for the saiyan. The days they spent together, gave her the ability to see her prince in an array of ways. He was the embodiment of what every male saiyan strived to achieve; strong-willed, perceptive, courageous, and handsome, tenacious, devious, and powerful. These were the traits that had initially been so alluring about him, but knowing and growing with him, she saw a man that bred and catered to the weaker, strove for greatness to perfect his craft, and who's brilliance left her in awe.

And she was his.

Kagome had been promised to Vegeta from a young age, at first it was so that she would be birthing him an heir when it came time for him to take the throne, but as they spent more time together they fell in love. Their love forming around Lord Frieza's"private" training, to which he would take the prince away for months on end. She couldn't stand the time apart and had seen the strain on her King and Queen's faces when they welcomed him home. No one trusted Frieza, but no one seemed to know the depth of the alien's evil and why he'd taken an interest in Vegeta.

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