Chapter 21

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Vegeta laughed to himself. Before him sat five dragon balls innocently gleaming in the sunlight. "Well, well, sometimes I even impress myself. With the one I hide in the lake that makes six," he laughed again. His wish was just within reach he just needed to find the last ball.

Gathering the five balls, he places them in between a fork in the land formation so as they would be harder to spot from above. Even so, their bright colors against the bluegrass would be easy enough for almost anyone to stop, this left him in a predicament.

Sitting down he began to think and formulate some plan.

None of Frieza's men had a scouter nor could they sense power levels meaning it would be easy enough to go and grab the one he'd hidden. Then again Zarbon and the others would be put on the lookout and be searching the planet not only for him but for the balls. Even if he got the one, he'd hidden, going and searching for the seventh would leave the rest unguarded.

He growled lowly.

Suddenly he felt a power surge headed his way. It was significantly large and made him stiffen. Could it be Zarbon? How'd he find him so quickly?

Focusing on the power his eyes widened, although powerful it wasn't as intense or as powerful as Zarbon's.

He waited for the person to get closer to get a look at the possible theft.

His onyx eyes widened before narrowing. It was the bold human, and they really had made it to planet Namek. And it seemed this one had a dragon ball.

He quickly flew after the human; Krillin. It seems luck was on his side; he would soon have all seven dragon balls.

It seems the human had also been looking to collect the dragon balls too bad for the human because he would be making his wish soon enough.

In the midst of tailing the seemingly oblivious human, Zarbon had found him and was now tailing Vegeta.

'Let him follow me; I'll take care of him just like I'll be taking care of the human. He probably thinks he can beat me because of our last fight, but little does he know that defeating a sayian only makes them stronger!'

Following the humans lead, Vegeta landed only a few feet away from him and another human. This human was taller though with blue hair and eyes and a curvy figure making him believe this human was female.

"Seems the surprises keep coming," a smirk grew on his face. "Looks like I found a couple of earthlings far from home and no one to save them," he laughed watching them tremble in fear. He had come accustomed to being the sadistic prince, people feared him and gave in to his demands when there was a threat of death hanging over their heads. "And look there you have just what I need so hand over the dragon ball! Don't do anything stupid now or it'll be your heads,"

They trembled unable to speak it seemed. He could practically taste their fear.

"And I wouldn't think about escaping with it either, because if you try anything like that the girl will suffer," he snickered but inside he cringed at the tears the woman began to shed. He wasn't going to kill them; he just had to act the part. "Now hand it over,"

Turning he watched Zarbon land while leering at him. He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. The mint colored alien just couldn't resist showing off as was the case now as he did several flips before landing on top a rock.

"Looks like we have company,"

Behind him, he heard the woman sigh blissfully. "Wow!~ He's cute, I bet he's here to save me~," this time he did roll his eyes.

As expected it didn't take the alien long to speak, Zarbon did like to hear himself talk after all. "Vegeta did you think you could get away? Another dragon ball how nice of you to track it down for me," and he kept going. "Don't tell me you've joined forces with them? Come now Vegeta I thought you had more pride than that,"

"YooHoo!~ Thanks for coming to rescue me~" the woman kept babbling in the background making Vegeta snicker to himself.

"I'm not so much concerned with those two as I am about the other dragon balls. You can tell me or tell Frieza; it's up to you," he grinned

"Just try and make me talk,"

"With pleasure,"

Vegeta rolled his eyes as Zarbon got ready to charge him. "Come now, on with your little transformation. You don't think you can defeat me in that form, do you? Transform into that hideous beast, and then we'll fight."

"No one insults me like that," Zarbon growled. "For someone that looks like you, you have no right to call me hideous. I'd kill you where you stand if it wasn't for that fact that Frieza wants me to bring you back alive,"

"Yeah-yeah, get on with it ugly, I don't have all day,"

Zarbon seemed not to take him seriously as they began fighting. It took them all the way up into the sky, both easily dodging the other's attack. Vegeta wanted a fight, and Zarbon was going to give him that fight.

Out of the corner of his eye, the humans looked to be trying to escape. He fired a ki blast at them while dodging Zarbon's foot. That stopped them.

Back and forth they went, both seeming to toy with the other. Or that was Vegeta's observation.

"Your powers pathetic," Vegeta teased as he began to hover. "What a waste of my time,"

The alien growled, his eyebrow going so far as to twitch in his anger. And as before Zarbon's chest expanded and his muscles bulged under his skin. His perfect skin wrinkled to make scales, nails lengthen and his face twisted into that of his beast-self. He indeed looked that of a monster in this form.

From behind the woman cried out in horror.

And thus began a fight to the death.

But down below a trembling Bulma looked to the sky with her bright blue eyes. "Oh Goku where are you when I need you," She didn't want to die, not yet anyways she had so much left to do.

They seemed to be evenly matched. Or that's how it appeared.

When they finally came to a stop in front of the humans, both were surprised to see Zarbon was barely able to stand. His uniform had been ripped to pieces, and the armor had been shattered in several places.

"Face it Zarbon; I'm a lot stronger than you. Now would be a good time to start begging for your life," this was one of the few times Vegeta felt the killing of someone would be justified. Zarbon deserved to die just as much as Dodoria did. Once he finished with the henchmen, he would take his revenge out on Frieza.

Zarbon quietly laughed even though he looked as if he could barely stand.

"Your mistake is that you've underestimated the saiyans, unlike others that grow weaker we grow stronger," he laughed at seeing the fear in Zarbon grow. "You can break our bones, make us bleed, bring us to the brink of death but that only makes us stronger!"

"I don't care how strong you think you are you'll never defeat me!" Zarbon growled out in his gruff voice.

They raced at one another, punching and kicking at vital organs. Their fist was blurred to the two human onlookers, but in the end, Vegeta won. His fist broke through Zarbon's armor and then the skin causing violet blood to pore from the massive wound.

With his fist still in his body, Zarbon begged for his life. "Vegeta, please don't kill me. I was only following orders,"

"Sounds as if you're begging for your life after all," Vegeta smirked.

"Spare me, and we will be a team!" Vegeta's eyebrow twitched as he began to gather energy in his hand. "Together we can defeat Frieza,"

"I don't think so," with that he let lose his ki which tore through the body of his victim as if he were paper. With Zarbon's lifeless body landing in a lake the fight was finally over with Vegeta being the victor.

'I will be the one to kill Frieza, no one else,' he thought to himself before turning to the two humans. The man stood in front of the woman trying to shield her as she cried heavily. It seems she wasn't a fight. He momentarily regretted fighting in front of them for it had brought the innocent woman great pain. But what's done is done.

"Now that that's taken care of let's get back to business."

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