Chapter 45

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Kagome eyed the bed, her fingers dragging along the soft blankets before pulling them back to her chest. Her eyes then moving over the room itself. It was large but plain overall. Aside from the bed and nightstands, there was a dresser full of clothes Bulma gifted her after fulfilling the promise they'd go shopping- which they did fairly regularly. There was a closet, bursting from the countless trips to varying stores and shops, and then an open doorway to the large bathroom. Moving away from the bed she walked over to the seating area that consisted of two chairs and a table beside the circular window looking out over a garden.

It was roomy, maybe even homey, but Kagome could not find comfort in it.

Dressed in a tight white long-sleeve crop top shirt and fitted dark joggers, the saiyan hugged herself as she looked out the window. Her mind miles away from her current time and place. She felt alone, again, and ached for familiarity. She wanted her brother Raditz, and family back.

For months she knew she'd end up on earth, but she didn't think about staying. There was a planet out there full of her people, having been forced into hiding countless years ago. Kagome wanted to go to the new saiyan planet, or at least know that it is still in existence. But to do that she would need the help of Goku, and King Kai. Without Frieza they no longer had to hide, they could take back their place as a warrior race once again. She longed for the past in which she would never have again. But there were some things she could do, and going to the new Planet Vegeta was on the top of her list.

Leaning against the wall, she continued to take in the world around her. There were blue skies that melted into pinks and orange as the sun sets off in the distance of the horizon, green foliage surrounded the city while outside of it was nothing but brown, sandy, desert. It was but a temporary home, at the moment, yet she felt compelled to stay, even without knowing anything but what Goku told her; Earth felt like home. The name itself held a familiarity to it. Since landing she had been bombarded with feelings, at first she thought it had to do with Vegeta, but there was more. She could not escape the feeling of loss and longing that bloomed within her chest for both the saiyan prince and those she was unknowingly missing.

There was a knock at the door, she made no move to answer nor did she turn as he walked in.

"Kagome-" he trailed off before he could even start, her name a gentle whisper on his lips.

"You shouldn't be here," she continued to look out the window, her voice cold and distant. Her body is painfully rigid as she fought against her instincts that she was taught to trust. But she didn't trust herself.

His aura enveloped the room in warm curls, pushing against her own, calling out to her while wrapping her in it. Her instincts demanded she submits; to throw herself into his arms and forget the rest. Yet the other half, the part haunted by years of torture, held her in place. How was she to trust him? She knew that part of him still held out a claim to their bond, his declaration earlier saying as much, but how much of that was from guilt or a sense of obligation to her? He was not the same prince, years had changed him, just as she was not the same girl who'd promised herself to him.

"I'm sorry," his voice was small yet forced her to turn at the nearness. He stood over her, his onyx eyes staring down at her.

Forcing her eyes away, she hoped he did not see what she was trying desperately to hide; hope. As foolish as it was to hope, Kagome did, she wanted him with every fiber in her being and hoped he wanted her just as badly. Yet the chains of her past weighted at her mind and limbs, restricting her emotions and ability to trust. She had become a tortured woman, haunted and scarred by a monster killed by her hand. Who was she without Frieza? The thought scared her because the answer, to her, was nothing. He had tortured her, molested, and beaten her before raping her. Those decades spent with him had stripped her of many things, and even with him dead she still felt trapped. Who was she? Was she still Kagome?

"You shouldn't be here Vegeta,"

"Why not?" She didn't answer, not that he gave her the opportunity. "We have a second chance, and you can't even look at me,"

"I release you of whatever obligation you think you owe me Vegeta, it's been years since then. Besides we were children when we made that commitment," her heart constricted at the painfully cold words. She wanted freedom but still wanted Vegeta, there was no way to have both.

"What obligation!?" He growled, turning her by the shoulder. "I loved you then just as I love you now!" Her eyes grew wide. "Those were not just pretty words I said back then, you are the only woman I have ever loved. When I thought you died-" he trailed off with a snarl, turning away.

As he stepped back, she followed, her hand held to her chest as if to prevent her heart from leaping out.

He sighed heavily running a hand through his hair before turning tired eyes at her. They shined brightly, reflecting the light of the sunset outside. Emotions ran rampant across his features as they stared at one another.

"I wanted to die with you," he whispered, taking a step forward to caress her cheek with a calloused hand. "I failed you as a mate then, let me make it up to you now, while I can. However long it takes, even if it takes me a lifetime, let me prove myself,"

"I can't," tears fell down her cheeks. But she wanted to, the man she loved was standing in front of her professing his undying love, but still, the fear of rejection clung to her. She had been defiled and tortured, when she told him would he still desire her? And what of the boy, his existence hung dangerously by a thin line.

"Why not? Do you not love me? Please give me another chance,"

"Of course I do, but-" her mind going to Trunks.

"But nothing! I will not lose you again!" He swept her into his arms claiming her lips with his in a demanding kiss. Any protest she had died on her tongue as she melted into his embrace. Her hands gripping his shirt while his hands traveled the length of her sides.

"Please" his words were a whisper upon their lips. "Let me love you,"

Tears swelled falling rapidly down her cheeks with a sob that rocked her shoulders. "I'm afraid," she admitted with a trembling voice. She clung to him, her knees weak.

"Of what?"

"If you'll still love me if you knew what he did to me," her knees buckled under the memories. She spent roughly 10 years with that devil, maybe even more. When she closed her eyes she was on that ship again, and Frieza was there, looming over her; ready to break her.

His arms were the only thing holding her up at that point. Her head bowed as the tears flowed effortlessly down her cheek, not even a sob came out as she cried.

When he left her, because he would when she told him, she would have nothing but her nightmares. Every night they welcomed her and every morning she'd wish for death as the pain of her memories weighted heavily on her soul. Her body was free of him and the onslaught of his sadistic tendencies, but Frieza still lived when she slept.

"You don't have to tell me," he whispered into her hair. He pulled her close cradling her head to his chest, his opposite arm securely at her waist supporting her. "If you never want to tell me, I will understand, and I will never force it. But I'm not leaving you, I refuse to abandon you,"

"B-but-" he had a right to know, as a suitor it was her duty to tell him.

"When you are ready I will listen until then I will care for you," pulling her to the bed he laid them down with his larger frame wrapped around her.

Her tears flowed as she clenched, and unclenched her hands in his shirt. So many things raced in her head that she wanted to say and ask, but she couldn't find the will to voice them.

"Get some sleep, I will protect you,"

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