Chapter 36

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REWIND~ Before Goku saved Kagome ~REWIND

Onyx colored eyes snapped open as a gasp parted his lips allowing dirt to fall into his mouth. Sputtering and spitting, the revived saiyan leaped from his grave. His senses buzzed as he looked around trying to remember what had happened to put him there. And like a tidal wave it hit him, Frieza had killed him but not before saying that Kagome was alive, that she was here on Namek.

Looking from where he felt the clashing ki's, that could only belong to Frieza and Goku, and to the ship, it wasn't hard for him to decide, in fact, there wasn't even need to choose. Even if Frieza was lying if there was even a possibility of her being there he had to check. Kagome was far more important than some fight, or revenge for that matter. She was alive, and that's all that mattered.

Racing towards the ship faster than he had ever been before. She was here; they could be together as they should have. He was going to make up for all their lost time; he would prove to her that he was worthy of being her mate. And that he would spend the rest of his days making up for not saving her. He would become strong enough to protect her and any of their future children.

He had been on that same ship a thousand time before, yet he had never noticed. That's what hurt the most. He had been so close to her, so many times before and he had failed to save her.

The ship was in sight within seconds, his heart raced, and a smile came to his lips. Kagome She was here; she just had to.

And as he was to move closer, his body froze in mid-flight, his ki and muscles refusing his request to move. There was a moment of weightlessness; his senses were hazy once more. He couldn't even move or see past the streaming of color that swirled past him. It almost made him sick.

Had he died again without noticing?

And just as it had happened he was falling; he fell upon a hard surface. It took several blinks before he could see his surroundings. What he had landed on was, in fact, the ground in which was covered in bright green grass, all around him he saw tall trees and far above he saw a blue sky.

Was he back on Earth?

Standing he looked around with growing anger. Why was he here? What force has dashed his hope of reuniting with Kagome?

Throwing back his head a roar, similar to that of a beast's, ripped from his chest. His ki surged around him in bright flashes of light, the force knocking down trees and picking up dirt.

"KAGOME!" He screamed to the sky.

Gohan rushed towards the sound followed by Denda and Bulma. Coming upon the newly created clearing the young boy had to shield his eyes, same with the others. Denda even holding onto Bulma so he wouldn't fly away.

"Vegeta! Calm down!" Gohan yelled

Beast-like eyes turned towards him, red clouding the normally white part of his eyes. Even without the Moon, and his tail, it seemed the prince was close to changing.

"Calm down!? I need to get to my mate!" He roared at them the force knocking Bulma to the ground with a shrill scream.

"She has to be on earth! Everyone besides Goku and Frieza was wished here!" Bulma yelled back.

This made Vegeta freeze and the color to recede from his eyes, but the power remained making him glow much like a star. No one dared to take another step forward for fear he'd turn that raging power onto them.

"We'll help you find her," Gohan nodded. If he was right that nice lady that saved him was this 'Kagome' person that Vegeta was looking for. "Does she had black hair and blue eyes?"

This made the saiyan both happy and angry. Glad to know she was alive, and angry that the kid had seen her without telling him. He couldn't hold it against the boy as it had never come up in the limited conversations he had with the kid or the small group for that matter.

"Do you know where she is?"

"No, but I remember her from when she saved us from Frieza back on Namek. He would have killed me if she hadn't attacked him,"

Vegeta's form visibly stiffened, his eyes taking on a glazed look. Had she attacked Frieza? Had he killed her because of it? Was that the reason as to why he couldn't sense her on the ship?

Gohan walked up to him slowly, ignoring the protest of Bulma and Denda, and once next to the taller saiyan he gentle grabbed his hand. The act made Vegeta flinch before looking down to the small boy who offered him a small smile.

"Let's go find her and if we can't, we'll wish her back with the dragon balls," the boy beamed, and as much as he tried not to Vegeta gave him the smallest of smiles.

Sadly their search would turn up empty, everyone worried about the battle between Goku and Frieza, while Vegeta worried for Kagome.

"Vegeta?" it came as a soft whisper, similar to a coo. Giving the person a sideways glance he noticed it to be the human woman Bulma; mate to Goku.

"What is it?" he asked in a not so gentle manner. He didn't really care at the moment, his hopes of being with his mate had been dashed.

Heat rose to the bluenettes face."I'm going to let your attitude slide because you're going through a hard time, but I wanted to offer you a place to stay while on Earth. We can wait to wish on the dragon balls there with all the Namekians,"

He raised an eyebrow now fully looking at her. "Woman, do you really have enough room to house all of us?"

She stomped her foot with an angry huff. "It's Bulma!"

"Alright Bulma~," He said with a roll of his eyes. "Do you have enough room to house all of us?"

She blinked at him a few times not expecting him to be as civil as he was now. He seemed nothing like the saiyan that threatened to kill her entire species. "Oh yeah, my family is one of the richest on Earth, second only to the Tashio family then again they go back centuries," Vegeta rolled his eyes and looked away as she continued to drown on about her family, the Briefs, creators of Capsule Corporation who were rivals with Tashio Corporation. It seems she liked to talk. "I'm sorry seems I was babbling there," she laughed nervously, or maybe in embarrassment, a light shade of pink coloring the bridge of her nose.

"I accept your offer," he inclined his head in gratitude. He would be in debt to this girl for some time as he figured out how to survive this world.

Shaking her head and arms her blush darkening. "It no problem, really!"

"Still it is most generous of you to offer me, someone who you no doubt thought of as an enemy, a place in your home,"

"Well, of course, I would, I can't leave you to be homeless. And besides you're not all that bad, I think Goku was right about you back on Namek," her eyes glossed over as if she were no longer there but back on Namek. "He didn't believe you to be evil, in fact, I think he saw you as some kind of friend, or maybe he wants to be friends. I don't know, but he trusted you, so I'm going to trust you too,"

A humorless laugh left Vegeta as he stood looking down at the slightly shorter woman. "You and your mate are very strange,"

Bulma shook her head slightly confused as to what he meant by 'mate, ' but that could wait for some other time. "Whatever, let's get going," turning on her heel she lead the saiyan to where she had previously used one of her plane capsules. Seated in the clearing was a large Cargo plane, it had knocked down several trees to make room for itself.

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