Chapter 37

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With Kagome and Goku ~

Dark gray eyes lazily began to open.

Goku would have preferred to sleep, even now he tried to burrow back into the blissfulness that was sleep. The loud gurgles of his stomach urged him awake, and reluctantly he listened. Blinking up at the ceiling it took him several tries for his vision to clear only for him to stare up at the unfamiliar orange ceiling. He simply stared at it before he was slammed with resent memories.

Jerking his body into a sitting position he looked around the room frantically for the ship and the girl with the blue eyes.

Sitting across from him in a slouched position supported by the wall behind her. The dark haired girl slept with her head bowed, her black hair acting like a veil only allowing him to see a glimpse of her pale face. From the looks of it, there were dark bags under the eye he could see, and her body twitched. It seems she wasn't sleeping all that great.

A sigh left his lips. He had been genuinely concerned, the last thing he remembered was them falling and her clearly saying "Oh no," But it seems everything was fine.

Moans from his stomach caused him to clinch his stomach. 'Shut up for once,' he urged it, he didn't want to wake her. She looked so tired; she deserved to get some sleep just as he had.

Pushing the thought of food to the side, for the moment at least, Goku crept closer to the girl on his hands and knees. Right in front of her, he got a glimpse of what he could only guess to be a black tail. This had to be that Kagome girl, she apparently was very important to Vegeta.

She whimpered fearfully in her sleep, a tear falling down her cheek.

Goku frowned. He wouldn't be having any of that.

Now next to her balled up form, as gently as he could, with a hand around her back and the other under her knee, he pulled her towards him. Leaning against the wall and his legs crossed, he held the girl to his chest. She immediately curled into him, her whimpers dying down as she burrowed into his large, warm, lap.

A grin pulled at the saiyans lips. That's better. He had done the same thing with Gohan when the boy had trouble sleeping or needed help falling back asleep after a nightmare. It seems it worked for the girl too.

Looking out what could only be equivalent to an oval window, just without the glass. Outside he saw yellow-orange skies and purple rock formations that jetted out of the ground in columns.

They would stay like this for an hour before she began to squirm causing Goku to laugh as she brushed against his sides, unintentionally tickling him as she did.

The sound of his laugh made her freeze and quickly looked at him.

"Well good morning sleepy head," Goku teased with a chuckle while looking down into dark eyes that switched between blue and black.

Her head whipped towards him. "Hi," it came out quickly and more out of reflex. Blinking quickly, she opened and closed her several times as she concentrated on his face. Her eyes narrowed as she did so, her mind still hazy from sleep, her nose even twitched as she was somewhat lost in thought. It was kind of cute.

Finally, she gave him a small closed mouth smile, nothing more than a small upturn of her pink lips. "Hi, my names Kagome. Would your name happen to be Kakarot?" she asked slightly unsure.

He cocked his head to the side; he had been called that before, before meeting Raditz or Vegeta came into his life. The echo of a cooing voice distant in his mind but he chose to ignore it. "I've been called that," he teased with a shrug and goofy grin.

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