Chapter 33

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Frieza attacks Goku with multiple small beams of ki similar to bullets of light. Each one Goku deflected causing them to go off every which direction, slamming into the landscape around them.

Frieza looked on with wide eyes; the damned saiyan just knocked them back with one hand.

Vegeta laughed through the pain. "Don't take him lightly Frieza," He chuckled while spitting up blood. "He's the one you've been afraid of... He's the Super Saiyan!" he shouted with glee. "You heard me! The legendary Warrior, the most powerful in the universe! Frieza you're through. I'm only glad I lived to see it!" Gritting his teeth, he forced his mangled body into an upright position staring down at the ultimate form of Frieza. The monster that held him captive for years and killed everything he'd ever cared for.

And in an instant, he was thrown backward unable to dodge or even notice that Frieza had aimed at him. A solitary beam shot through his chest millimeters away from his heart. He only had a few moments left.

"Stupid monkey, didn't I tell you I hate jokes," Frieza crossed his arms.

Blood spurted from Vegeta's mouth he was drowning now. The pain was white hot, everything hurt. But he wasn't done yet. He looked up into the wide eyes of Goku the one he continuously called Kakarot because he didn't want him to forget that he was a saiyan: a proud warrior.

Goku growled his eyes angrily switching from Vegeta to Frieza. "How could you do that he couldn't even fight you, hell he couldn't even move! You didn't have to do that!"

"Oh, but I did. Otherwise, he'd never shut up," the lizard-like alien murmured while examining his nails in a bored fashion.

"K-Kakarot you won't win if you keep thinking like that," he struggled, gripping the ground as he spoke. "That's what limits you; you need to be merciless! Lose your stupid sentiment, and you could truly be the Super Saiyan!"

Frieza growled in annoyance "I detest people who repeat themselves. He needs to shut up with his ridiculous Super Saiyan Legend,"

Goku sweatdropped "I could never be merciless like him or you! I don't even know what this Super Saiyan is supposed to be,"

"The Super Saiyan-" Vegeta choked on his blood coughing it up in his attempt to try to speak once more.

"Don't talk anymore you're just killing yourself!"

"No, you need to hear this Kakarot! How do you think Planet Vegeta; the world where you and I were born was destroyed? Not because of some meteor impact-" his eyes grew misty.

Frieza once more sighed in annoyance "How long is this going to go on that blast should have killed you by now,"

"It was Frieza! We Saiyans did just as he commanded, we were his hands, his muscles, and yet he killed them all! Your parents, my father, he even took my mate from me..." Tears began to fall, staining his dirt covered face. "He killed them all because he feared that a Super Saiyan would arise from among us... Please... Frieza must die,"

"If you are speaking of your precious Kagome, she's still alive," Frieza interrupted.

Vegeta's eyes grew wide. "W-what!?"

Red eyes beamed with mirth. "In fact she's aboard my ship, to think you could have saved her. Now you can die knowing she's been mine this entire time, praying that you'd save her. Now she'll have no choice but to become my mine," he laughed wickedly.

"D-don't touch her," Vegeta tried to get up, his mate had been alive this entire time suffering at this monster's hand. Tears blurred his vision as he looked to Goku. He was going to die; he could feel it looming over his head. He couldn't save her but Goku still could. "P-please save her, and avenge our people," his dying words were a choking plea for help and revenge. Vegeta was dead.

"It's about time," Frieza sighed.

"Shut up!" Red eyes grew wide at the anger in the saiyans voice. "You have no right to mock his pain. Your tyranny ends here!"

The saiyans would now be able to rest in peace with their Prince's champion avenging their unfortunate demise.

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