Chapter 12

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~Overlooking The Villans~

She lay only feet away yet he could do nothing for her but stare on with bated breath, waiting for her to awaken. She hadn't moved, her body lay motionless in the dirt, her dress no doubts becoming stained; the same gown he had purchased with her in mind to show off the beauty she refused to see.

A frown pulled at Zarbon's lips, even though he knew it could cause wrinkles, he couldn't bring himself to be indifferent to the state she'd been forced to. Then again he never took pleasure in her pain as Dodoria, and the other soldiers had. They saw her as nothing more than a stray dog; that's abuse provided entertainment. He saw her as the goddess she was. He had been captivated by her beauty and entranced by her otherworldly glow.

There had been so many times in which he had almost succumbed to his desires for her. This morning being one of those instances. She had looked so beautiful in the dress that he'd picked for her; her body relaxed under his hands, he needn't have adjusted the garment, it was already perfect against her cream skin he just wanted to feel it. Doing her hair usually didn't fall under helping her dress, but the strands of ebony beckoned him with their lush waves and silky sheen.

He knew better than to give in to his desires, yet his beastly side and he both yearned for the small saiyan. Kagome was like a precious gem; beautiful and fragile, in need of care and protection. And he wanted to be the one to care and protect her.

If asked he'd turn against Frieza and serve only her if that be her wish, even knowing her heart would belong to another his beat solely for her.

He forced himself to look away and abandon his irrational thinking. If he looked any longer, he'd go to Kagome's aid and surely that would mean the end of him.

"Dodoria is taking a long time. Do you think he's still chasing after those little weird-lings?" Zarbon asked sounding like the good soldier he had always aimed to be. "Do you wish for me to go after him?"

"Why bother with a fool that can't even capture a couple of children? Go search for the remaining two dragon balls," Frieza answered boredly, shoo-ing the taller alien away.

"Yes sir!" this was directed at Frieza before the small purple alien turned to Zarbon. "There can't be many villages left after all."

"If we both search I'm sure we'll find one soon enough," Zarbon agreed.

"Then I shall be waiting back at the spaceship with these five Dragon Balls," Frieza informed the men.

"Yes, sir,"

"I am counting on you Zarbon," His chipper voice implying a threat of death if he failed the mint colored alien nodded in understanding from high in the air. "Just two more and my wish will be granted," He murmured to himself no longer paying attention to the soldiers that now took off in opposite directions.

Zarbon left, begrudgingly leaving Kagome with Frieza. He didn't trust the alien, but he would never be strong enough to take saiyan from him.

Frieza didn't bother to watch the soldiers off. Instead, he looked at the dragon balls with a wicked gleam in his crimson irises. 'It could be that Vegeta has already found them, but if he has, he will surely come after mine which would simply save us the time in finding his. Let him attack. Then, we'll kill him take his two, and I'll have all seven sooner than I hoped. Not that I'm in any hurry to live forever. All I need to do is wait patiently for my ship, which is vacant,' the thought of an empty ship made him look to Kagome.

With his finger, he forced his power around her and the dragon balls; the dragon balls floated around him while she floated over to him where he then let her land in his lap.

Rubbing the burn marks on his arm that she had gifted him he looked at the smeared blood on her chin. With a smirk he leaned forward, his tongue snaking pass his black lips to taste the crimson droplets. He shivered at the copper taste that overwhelmed his taste buds, gripping his body with a sudden and intense need.

What possible punishment should he gift his pet for her transgressions? He looked her up and down, yes, she would be punished for acting out.

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