Chapter 41

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Lavender hair swayed idly as a gentle breeze swept through the desolate landscape. Dark, nearly black, cobalt eyes looked up at the sky, feeling out his enemies power fluctuations. Everything about this felt surreal. He's heard the stories all his life of how the saiyans finally defeated Frieza in the midst of his plans of universal take over. Earth would have no doubt been in ruins if they hadn't stepped in even if it cost several people their lives.

There was a drastic influx of ki, cobalt eyes searching the skies as the influx continued for three agonizing minutes. Sweat gathered on his brow, this power could only be described as enormous. It felt entirely different to what he had thought to be Frieza, there was what he could only describe as an electric feel to it. And then as there had been the influx, all traces of the ki vanished.

The young, futuristic, saiyan felt nothing at all. The odds weren't exactly in Trunks favor now, that power surge could very well be stronger than him.

He slightly cursed his mother and old friend for being so closed lip about the past. They were haunted by the pains of those memories, they prefer to forget then talk about it. What he learned about the past, had taken hours of agonizing questioning, in the end, he had to go to Gohan's mom Chi-Chi, and even though she didn't seem as fazed by the past, she didn't have all that much to say.

Running his fingers through his bangs, Trunks sighed heavily. All he could do now was wait and hope that his interference would save this earth from the future he knew of. That meant saving the two saiyans; one of which could only be his father. A man whose identity he didn't even know because his mother couldn't bring herself to say his name and Gohan refused to say as he didn't know either, or he never told him of his suspicions at least.

Again the futuristic seventeen years old sighed for the umpteenth time that day. There wasn't a single ki signal coming from the ship yet it remained on its course of this spot. Did everyone on the ship hide their power? Even so, it wouldn't change that the ship would be landing here.

In the spaceship, that he now waited for, housed what could only be one of the fiercest enemies, besides the androids, the world has ever seen: Frieza and his father, King Cold. He had followed his mother's directions and now stood at the exact coordinate. Looking to his right he spotted the small silhouette of what could only be the Z-warriors, seems they weren't all that eager to face this foe again. But after what Gohan told him he couldn't blame them.

Looking at the group he saw the warriors making their way over to him, they were no doubt going to warn him to leave, but he was the only one strong enough to defeat Frieza as Goku wouldn't be landing for two or three more hours.

Fifteen minutes, that's how long it would take until the ship landed. Still, he felt nothing from the ship, and the Z-warriors were getting closer. It's not like he could tell them to stay back, that he'd handle Frieza by himself, they'd call him an idiot for sure.

They were only a few hundred yards away when a shadow passed over the sun. Seems his calculations were wrong fifteen minutes had really been less than five. Would have helped if they weren't hiding their ki, what was the point? Anyone, even those not ki sensitive, could have felt the ki surge.

Fisting his hands, the half-saiyan squared his shoulders and took on a more defensive stance while still looking somewhat relaxed. He swallowed thickly, would he be able to defeat them? Able was out of the question; he had to.

The ship landed softly, and for a moment everything was still and then with a loud release of air the door opened. With the release of air gray sparkling specks burst from the edges of the ships door. It took to the air swirling and mixing with the breeze, looked so magical that Trunks almost lost focus on the fight that would soon be taking place.

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