Chapter 38

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130 Days Later ~

Vegeta sat back as everyone gathered around the Namek dragon balls to make a wish. Porunga had been summoned, his large form just as intimidating as he remembered it to be the last time he saw the muscular dragon of dreams. The skies, within a good several mile radius, turned black just as they had on Namek leaving the dragon to glow in all his powerful glory.

The first wish had been to wish Goku and Krillin's souls to Earth's check-in only for the dragon to inform them that Goku, in fact, survived the destruction of Namek although he didn't tell them how or where the saiyan was.

"Is there anyone else in place of this Goku?" Porunga asked.

A yell was building in his throat; he deserved one of those wishes, after all, he had earned the one he'd received from that namekian elder. He couldn't bring himself to demand a wish; he'd caused a lot of problems for these people, both humans, and namekians. How could he wish back Kagome when several of their friends and family had died to fight Frieza.

"Excuse me," everyone turned to the large elder, the very one who'd gifted him one of the balls on namek. "But I believe one of those wishes should go to him, after all, I did give him the one from my village," he said pointing a finger at Vegeta.

His eyes grew wide as the elder eyed him across the way, his large hand tenderly placed on Denda's head.

"But that's Vegeta! He's almost as bad as Frieza!" Vegeta visibly flinched at the small namek's comment.

The elder shook his head with a small laugh while staring down at Denda. "You are wrong. He did not harm any of my people or any of our people, those that he killed were men working for Frieza," this made the child gasp as Vegeta looked away. "The desire for revenge can take many forms,"


The elder cut him off with a solemn shake of his head. "I have seen into his soul and knew he would not wish any harm to any of us, all he wants is his family back. Everyone else is to be reunited with theirs why not him?"

The small namek looked at the ground with trembling fists. The half saiyan, Gohan, put a hand on his shoulder giving him a nod and reassuring smile.

"Who is it you want wished back? We will wish them to the earth's check-in station with the others,"

"Her name," he took a deep breath, it had been so long since he's said her name. "is Kagome,"

Denda nodded as he looked up to Porunga. "Come on, who else is to be brought to Earth's check-in, I don't have all day," the dragon groaned out.

"We wish for Kagome to be brought back in place of Goku," Denda yelled up at the dragon.

The dragon's eyes glowed red for several moments as Vegeta held his breath in anticipation.

"It cannot be done,"

"What?! Why!?" Vegeta yelled.

"The one known as Kagome, the sacred miko, lives,"

Vegeta turned to Denda with desperation not only in his voice but written on his face. He didn't care if anyone thought him weak, he only wanted her back. "Wish for Kagome and Goku to be brought to earth," he cared not if Goku was wished back to earth but it would save everyone a wish.

Denda looked back at Gohan and Bulma who nodded quickly; clearly wanting the same thing.

"For our second wish, we wish for the ones known as Goku and Kagome to be brought to earth,"

The dragon nodded slowly before eyes once more become a shining red; several seconds went by as everyone looked on anxiously.

"It cannot be done, Goku does not wish to be brought to earth at this time. As for the one known as Kagome, the sacred miko, my magic can not touch her. They will come to earth together but on their own,"

Everyone looked up at the dragon in awe.

But Vegeta turned away, his eyes brimmed with angry. Kagome was alive, had been alive, for all the years they'd been separated. Why wasn't she here then? If his magic couldn't touch her, what saved her from the destruction of Namek? The only thing he could think of is that she made it off with Goku which would explain why the dragon said they'd arrive together.


"This Kagome, what's she to you?" It was the bluenette, her normally loud voice now a soft whisper.

"She was to be my mate," he sighed sitting against a tree. The others cheered as Krillin, and then Yamcha was brought back completing the three wishes guaranteed by the Namek dragon. The darkness receded to show sunny blue skies.

Bulma looked over her shoulder once before sitting down next to Vegeta. "Your mate? What does that mean, were you two going to be married?"

He took a deep breath. "Mating is different to each species, for Saiyans taking a mate is for life, binding them for all eternity. There are many forms of unions we take part in; runting, seasonal, breeding but none so precious as being mated. It's said that only soulmates can have such a strong bond,"

"Wow, then she must mean a lot to you,"

He nodded. "All this time I thought her dead," he didn't know why he was telling her all this. "She mustn't want me anymore if she has yet to return to me?" How could she possibly love me after all I've done? I failed her as a mate.

"Don't say that!" she nearly yelled causing him to look at her. "There has to be more to the story! You said people only mate because their soulmates, right? Then there has to be a reason as to why she's taking her time in returning to you like Goku. The dragon didn't say that she wasn't ever going to come to earth, she could be on her way right now for all we know." She spoke with such conviction he, almost, believed her.

He looked at her wide eyed. How could she be so sure of what she was saying?

"Be positive," she winked. "They'll be here before you know it,"

Then she became all serious with a concerned almost shy look. What was wrong with her? Did she have multiple personalities? Such suddenly mood changes couldn't be good for one person.

She was poking her fingers together in a nervous, almost embarrassed, fashion. Pink dusted her nose as she looked to the ground. "How did you know you and her were meant to be mates?"

His raised eyebrow his way of asking 'Why?'

"It's just I've been with Yamcha for so long... but Goku..." She groaned in frustration and her head fell forward in defeat. He almost laughed, it reminded him so much of how he had been when he realized he wanted Kagome to be his life mate.

"Would you die for him?" he asked.

She simply looked at the ground.

"Would you live for him?"

Again he received silence, it was clear from the look in her eyes that her mind was reeling, trying to process her thoughts and feelings as they undoubtable clashed.

"If you can't say yes to both, then you have your answer."

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