Chapter 39

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One year later~*o*~

She felt his area before she saw the ship zoom past them toward the planet earth, which happened to be only a few hours journey away. But they would never be able to get there before them.

"We can't let him do to Earth what he did to Planet Namek and Planet Vegeta," Kagome began to panic.

"We won't," Goku chuckled in a very Raditz like fashion. He radiated confidence and power, his sureness no doubt stemming from his previous fight and resent training. Any other time she would have been amused but this down right pissed her off.

Kagome grabbed Goku roughly by the ruffled collar of his Yardrat uniform and yanked him down, so they looked into each other's eyes. Black and black clashed, his calm while she's blazed with a fierce rage. "You will teleport us there now!" She growled into his face and watched the confidence drain from his face. "After everything, he's done to me, our people; our family, hell the universe! He deserves to die!"

He frowned. "What do you want us to do?"

"The only thing I want you to do is teleport us onto that ship," she demanded.

With a heavy sigh, he pressed his finger to his temple, his arms firmly around her waist.

There was a moment of weightlessness, and gray fuzz before they appeared within the large ship, directly in front of her stood her intended target, or should she say targets. Frieza and his father Lord Cold surround by useless soldiers. But her eyes were glued to Frieza.

He stood with bloodied colored eyes wide open in a show of surprise. Bits of metal took up little more than half his gray face; same could be said for the rest of his body. Composed of metal along with gray and purple skin, his tail was even Bionicle. He looked just as evil as ever to her, his body radiated anger and power. His eyes, now that was very different, the red had always been intense, but now they were crazed. This Frieza was far more dangerous than the one who'd imprisoned her, sodomized and all but raped her, killed her friends, family, and people, but worst was he'd taken the life of her mate. This man would take the universe with him, not just planets, to get what he wanted.


But then again she would destroy anything and everything to tear him apart.

Just as he had been surprised moments ago his eyes narrowed shifting from her to Goku. This only served to anger her more.

Flash stepping behind him, she grabbed him by the back of the neck. He stiffened under her touch; it took all her willpower not to laugh at the irony. How many times had he done the same thing to her? How many times? Too many. "You should really be keeping your eyes on me, my pet," she spat before throwing him, making sure to hold onto his bionic arm, ripping it from his body, into his father causing both to topple atop the various soldiers.

Now she did, in fact, laugh as she threw the arm over her shoulder. She would have her revenge, looking over her shoulder she saw Goku looking away. He'd made it clear he would remain out of it unless she truly needed him.

Kagome wouldn't need him at all. She had been working this past year for this moment.

Harnessing her anger and all her other emotions, she used it as Goku had taught her. Her power rose to the surface in a roar of rose gold lightning as her priestess powers mixed with the raw energy. Her body erupted in light leaving her black eyes tainted pink and turned her hair a silvery blonde. Raw power crackled along her skin, the heat and sound almost made her purr; it felt so good to be powerful.

"I've come for my revenge, after all, it's been a long time coming," she laughed bitterly, tentacles of her power latched onto all of her soon to be victims; holding them in place.

"I pass judgment," they began to scream as their blood was set ablaze. They would die, but not yet, first she would take out her revenge, and then she makes sure that their judgment would be just and swift.

Blacken eyes clashed with crazed red. She walked slowly over to Frieza, her power working to hold everyone in their place. His eyes trembled, she could practically taste the fear in the air. She closed her eyes, breathing it in, it was intoxicating.

"P-please," he began in a broken whisper. "I... I'm sorry,"

Her eyes snapped open, and her hand was at his throat. "You're what? I didn't quite catch that,"

He looked around and then up at his father. With a growl, her hand tightened.

"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" He pleaded.

She practically saw red. "You're sorry? YOU'RE SORRY?!" She slammed him to the ground, his body denting the metal. "After everything you've done to me, you're sorry? No, you don't know the meaning of being sorry, you kidnapped me, kept me as your personal prisoner for over a decade! You killed everyone and everything I held dear! And for what? My suffering?

"What did I ever do to you to deserve such pain?"

His body shook as blood came from his eyes and mouth. His hand gripping her wrist, digging his nails into her skin.

"WHY!?" she screamed.

"I-I lo-love you," he gasped

She roared angrily bringing his body up before once more slamming it to the ground making him cough up blood. "Love? You twisted freak! You never loved me, you tortured me,"


Through gritted teeth, she hissed. "I pass judgment on you Frieza, I sentence you to death for unspeakable crimes against the universe. You will die at my hands," This would do nothing for her pain, but she could not let him live when his very existence was a risk to people everywhere.

Red eyes rolled back into his head. She could feel his life slipping away. If he could survive space, she'd need to make sure there's nothing left of him. His body flashed before turning to ash leaving behind only the metal parts of what had made up his deformed body.

Standing up she let her power wash over the room. She still had to pass judgment on the others.

"You're all guilty!"

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