Chapter 1

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〔Streets of Tokyo〕

Shoji walked down the street, scrolling through the playlist on his phone before he looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a person walking around looking confused. They seemed to be a foreigner from the way they looked. Black hair, a black suit, blue eyes, and pretty tall. 

Shoji then walked over to the man, tapping him on the shoulder. The man then turned to him, still looking confused look.

Foreigner: "Y-Yes?" he said in broken Japanese, giving Shoji the ability to guess what his original language most likely was. 

Shoji: "Are you lost?" he asked in American, the Foreigner then gained a look of pleasant surprise before he answered.

Foreigner: "Y-Yes," he said, "I'm looking for the Shojima corporation building, do you know where that is?" he asked.

Shoji: "Yeah," he said, "Just continue down the road and their should be a tall building with a panda on it that's eating a carrot." he said pointing down the road, "You can't miss it." he said.

Foreigner: "Thank you so much," he said with a bow before he reached into his pocket, "Here, take this." he said as he gave something to Shoji before rushing off in the direction the teen pointed in.

Shoji then looked at the item he was given, it was a coin that he had seen many times before. From the time to time when he had helped people they had given him this exact same coin or sometimes coins. He had figured it was some new trend that someone had started, but he hadn't yet found out where to, or who to give the coins to. So he just collected them for the time being.

Shoji then went on his way as he went through the streets of Tokyo, looking around at the familiar sights of neon lighting, stores, restaurants, and many other buildings and shops.


Soon, Shoji was home, giving a sigh before he opened the door as quietly as he could, leaving his shoes at the door step before slowly heading up stairs. 

Once he was in his room, he gave a small sigh of relief, before looking around. The light was off, but you could still see some due to the light that was coming off of his laptop that sat on his desk. His room was a little messy, a few clothes strung about with a few pieces of trash. 

Shoji then yawned as he walked over to his desk, trying to put the coin he had received in a small box where he had put the others he had, though sadly, the box was already over flowing, causing him to sigh before he picked up the small box, gathering the straggling coins before going over to his closet. He slid open his closet door, revealing the sorry state that is was in. Clothes were thrown around in it and almost nothing was hung up. 

Despite the sate of the closet, there was a chest that was untouched by the clothes, partially due to the fact he had used it so much.

He then opened the chest, revealing it to be filled to the brim with many of the very same coins that he was gifted by foreigner. The chest its self was almost bursting at the seams. 

Shoji then dumped the coins into the chest, the metallic clanging filling the void of sound in the room for a moment before he closed the chest, putting the now empty box back on his desk. 

Shoji: "There's already so many." he muttered, "If only I knew where I could use them." he sighed as he went over to his bed, catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror and looking over himself. His hair was black and his eyes had a red glow to them. He wore a black mask, a black jacket with a grey shirt and jeans. He then moved his hand to take off his mask before he stopped, he was a little to used to having a mask on now, it would make his face feel naked if he didn't keep it on. He then gave a sigh before he flopped onto his bed, exhausted from the day.

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