Chapter 16

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⟼ One Week Later ⟻

〔Training Grounds〕

Commander Talos glared down at Shoji, his fist balled up at his sides as he seethed. Shoji stood in front of Commander Talos, his stance like that of a solider that was being scolded as he looked down at the ground. 

Talos: "How long has it been?" he asked, his voice shaking with anger, "Three years, right?"

Shoji: "Yes, sir." he said, looking down at the ground, his voice shaking with slight fear and anticipation. 

Talos: " Yes, three years." he said, "And do you know what I did, during those three years?" he asked.

Shoji: "Y-you looked for-" he began. 

Talos: "I was looking for you." he said, "I had searched around the northern side of the region, looking in towns, the dungeons, and numerous other places looking for you. Just to have you show up yourself." he said, "What did you even do while you were on you little get away, huh?" he asked. 

Shoji: "I did.. a lot of training." he said. 

Talos: "Training?" he asked, "Okay, the lets see how much your 'training' has helped you." he said, "Go get a damn sword." 

Recruit: "Who is that?" he asked, "And way can he just boss the commander around?"

Guard: "That's the actual commander." he said, "The person who was training us was the lords son." 

Recruit2: "Wait, so we weren't even getting trained by a real commander?" he asked, "Why didn't one of you guards just train us?"

Guard: "Well.. he was really strong." he said, "He's definitely a higher level then the rest of us, he might even be on the same level of Commander Talos."

Recruit: "How strong is Commander Talos?" he asked. 

Guard: " I don't know, but I'm sure that he's close to, if not at, the level of a sword master." he said. 

Recruit: "Really?" he said, shocked," Are you sure he's that strong? Most swordmen don't even reach that level until their in their old." 

Guard: "Well, I can only guess since I've never seen one before." he said, "But I imagine him being one." 

Shoji and Talos then moved to the training grounds, Talos eyeing up Shoji as they moved to the center of the area. 

Talos: "I'll admit, I can tell that you've gotten stronger." he said, "But your still in experienced," he said before he pointed one of his scabbards at Shoji. 

Shoji: " I have still have some experience." he said.

Talos: " Getting cocky?" he asked. 

Shoji: "No, just.. confident." he said as he aimed his sword at Talos. 

A moment then passed as Shoji and Talos stood against each other, their swords pointing to the tip other before they both suddenly lunged at each other.

In but a moment, the sound of clashing metal clashing was heard. The sound ringing through out the training ground as the swords grinded against each other. 

Talos: "You've gotten strong." he said as he applied pressure on to Shoji.

Shoji: "The only way I can go is up." he said before a magical circle appeared by his shadow, a dark tendril sprouting out before whaling around like a whip, forcing Talos to jump back.

Talos: "Resorting to magic so soon?" he asked. 

Shoji: "It's how I learned how to fight." he said, pointing his sword at Talos, " I hope it doesn't deter you." 

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