Chapter 14

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Shoji laid in his room, looking up at the ceiling. It was as if his mind was blank, sounds flowing in and out just as fast as his brain processed the information. 

After a few moments, he then heard the sound of someone entering his room, more than likely from the window. 

Shoji: "Bella?" he asked, saying it just loud enough for her to hear. 

Bella: "Hey, how did it go?" she said, her voice getting closer. 

Shoji: "I.. I  said a few things that I probably shouldn't have said, and didn't say a few thing I should have said." he said, closing his eyes as sighing. 

Bella: "What, did you yell at them or something?" she asked, sitting down on the bed, he weight causing Shoji to shift some. 

Shoji: " No.. but I did say that I liked being out there a lot more than I did being in here." he said. 

Bella: "Sheesh." she said. 

Shoji: "..and that I would've stayed out there if I had the choice." he said. 

Bella: "Wow.. even I would be a little hurt by that." she said, ".. So.. how did they take it?" she asked, her hand seeming to gravitate to Shoji's hair. 

Shoji: "Well.. I don't know actually." he said, "I don't know them at all, so I can only guess that they didn't take it well." he muttered, " I mean, it would be logical that they did like it, I just don't know to what point."

Bella: "Well, at least it'll start getting better in the city right?" she said as she caressed his hair. 

Shoji: "Well.. only time can tell." he said. 

Suddenly, the sound of knocking was heard on his door. 

Samantha: "Y-Young master?" she asked, her voice only just coming through. 

Shoji: "Yes?" he said, looking to his door. 

Samantha: "M-May I come in?" she asked. 

Shoji: " Sure." he said. 

Samantha then slowly opened the door, peaking into the room at first before her eyes landed on Shoji, her eyes opening wide before she threw the door open, rushing to Shoji's side, 

Samantha: "Y-Young master!" she cried, landing on her knees, "Where have you been !?!"

Shoji then sat up, looking at Samantha with a slightly confused expression. 

Shoji: "I've been in the city for most of the time I was away," he said, "But why are you crying? I don't think me being gone would affect the maids or butlers."

Samantha: "Well it did!" she said, tears still streaming down her face, "H-His lordship was so strict, he got mad at a-almost everyone, Lady Marron was so sad, she cried for days." she said, "A-and Miss Elizabeth-" she then gasped before she quickly stood back up to her feet, " A-Ah I'm so sorry for my behavior!" she said, bowing, "I-I was just w-worked up a-and-" she tried to say before she felt a hand on her head.

Shoji: "Calm down," he said, sitting up as he patted Samantha on the head before he felt back onto his bed," I'm sorry that I caused you all so much trouble, but now everything should be alright. I do what I can to make up for everything." he said. 

Samantha then gained a blush on her face before she shook her head. 

Samantha: "N-No young master!" she said, waving her hands dismissively, "Y-You don't have to do anything!" 

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