Chapter 6

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〔Outside Manor〕

Shoji breathed in the floral air as he leaned back in his seat at the gazebo that was around the middle of the large garden. 

(Maid2): "Young Master, are you sure you don't want to eat with your family?" she asked.

Shoji: "Yes, I'm sure." he said with a sigh as he looked at his food, "I wouldn't want to bring down the mood." he said before he picked up his fork and ate a portion of the food that was on his plate. "You know, your a lot different than Samantha." he said.

(Maid2): 'So he really did just want her name,' she thought to herself, "Well, Samantha is rather new, I've been here since the Master and his wife moved into this estate, and before that I've worked in other establishments." she informed.

Shoji: "Hmm, what's your name?" he asked.

(Maid2): "My name is Susie, Young Master" she said with a small bow.

Shoji: "Well, it's nice to meet you Susie," he said with a welcoming smile, "Thank you for being with my family for so long." he said as he bowed slightly.

Susie then sighed.

Susie: "A person of nobility shouldn't bow down to a commoner, " she reprimanded.

Shoji then chuckled slightly.

Shoji: "I don't really care about all that," he said, "It just feels weird to be treated like that." he said before he heard the clanging of metal against metal and cheering. He then looked in the direction of all the noise, seeing a large cluster of fairies floating near the commotion.

Susie: "That must be the knights going at it again," she said with a sigh, "They like to spar from time to time." 

Shoji then stood up.

Shoji: "I think I'll go see what's going on," he said, "Sorry to leave you with the mess." he said before he walked off, Susie sighing before she began cleaning up.

Susie: "He barely ate anything," she muttered to herself.

〔Training Grounds〕

As Shoji walked over to the cluster of fairies Bella landed on his shoulder.

Bella: "Hey, you going to see the fight?" she asked.

Shoji: "Yep, I don't really know how swordsmanship works here, so I figured I should at least see it in action for myself." he said as he made it to the cluster of fairies walking past a few of them before being able to see into the training ground. 

Two knights fought in the middle of a crowd of knights and squires, cheering on the two that were fighting in the middle. They attacked each other with superhuman prowess, strength, and speed. Some how hopping over a swing of the sword and coming down on the other hard with a stomp that was quickly blocked by the flat of the other's sword before the attacker was thrown aside.

It went on like this for a bit, the two at each other throats as they battled, swinging their swords and having continuous near misses before a sudden and loud voice rang out. 

(Commander): "Oh~, are my little kiddies playing rough with each other?" he asked as he walked through the crowd and into the middle of the commotion, his presence causing everyone to pause immediately.

(Commander) was a man with a brown complexion. He seemed to be possibly Mexican, or had a relative from the area. Shoji had only seen a handful of people from other parts of the world, but he knew he could at least distinguish them some.

(Commander) had thin hair that was up in a messy bun that let his hair down out the back. He wore a skin tight black shirt, what could only be the died skin of a furry creature tied around his waste, and a the normal knight's leggings, thought they seemed to be polished to the extremes as they shined brightly in the sun. He also wore two scabbards on his left side.

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