Chapter 8

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⟼Three Months Later⟻


Shoji stood on the roof of a building, adverting his eyes from the situation that was happening below so he would only hear it. Which wasn't a good option either.

Down below in the alley, their was a man and woman having sex. Why would Shoji overlook this? Because he was looking for the men that were getting a little to physical with the women when they wanted more than what was offered. 

Once the man climaxed the woman pushed herself away from the man, panting some before she put out her hand.

(Woman): "Alright, n-now pay up," she said before the man grabbed her wrist.

Man: "I ain't done yet." he said as he licked his lips.

(Woman): "Well if you want any more than that your going to have to pay up." she said before the man slapped her across the face.

Man: "Shut the fuck up," he said, "My wife's been being a bitch and I need this, so just shut up and take it like the whore you-ACK!!" he yelled as Shoji kicked him deeper into the alley.

(Woman): "Wh-what-" she tried to say before Shoji thrusted a gold coin into her face.

Shoji: "Take it and go," he said, looking away from the woman to hide his blush.

(Woman): "Th-thank you," she said before taking the gold coin and running away.

Man: "Grr," the man grunted as he got back up to his feet, holding his head, "You son of a.. the fuck?" he said as he looked at Shoji.

Shoji: "Your drunk, please put away your.. parts and go home." he said, awkwardly looking away from the man. 

Man: "You brat!" the man said as he walked to Shoji.

Shoji: "Listen you don't want to-" he tired to say before the man tried to punch him, Shoji ducking and sweeping the man's legs out from under him. "Should've just gone home," he said before he stomped on the man's face, knocking him out. 

Bella: "Guards are coming!" she warned as she looked around the corner.

Shoji: "Got it." he said before he climbed up the sides of the alley, using the wall and windowsill's to get to the rooftops right before the guards came into the alley, "That was close." he said as he looked over the edge before walking away.

Bella: "Then get better at climbing." she said.

Shoji: "I am," he said as he looked at his hands, "Though I think I should get some sort of gloves to make it easier. You think Joshua could make them?" he asked.

Bella: "Hmm maybe." she said, "But I think you want something from a blacksmith, they specialize in tools and things, but you could take it to Joshua to make it look nice." 

Shoji: "Yeah that makes sense, do you know where one is?" he asked.

Bella: "Hmm, not any really good ones," she said, "You could ask Joshua, he seems like the type that would know more about the town." 

Shoji: "Not the fairies?" he asked,

Bella: "Were not your personal guides!" she yelled.

〔Silhouette Tailors〕

Joshua: "Hmm," he hummed as he tapped his finger to his chin, "I think there's one on the other side of town." he said, "But that place is ridden with bandits and sleazy people. Your better off going to one of the ones on this side, though they aren't that good at their jobs." he said under his breath. 

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