Chapter 2

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(Name) = A name that isn't know yet/ a group of people with names not know yet.



Shoji slowly opened his eyes, rubbing his head as he felt a throbbing pain. It was then when he realized his hand was the size of a child's. 

Shoji: "Did she send me to the new world?" he asked himself as he looked around the room he was in. 

It was extremely fancy. The room was lined with gold accents and designs, things like leaves and flower like patters lined the rooms molding, going well with the yellow wallpaper. Their was also a large wooded desk, wardrobe, and other gold embroidered furniture that made the other half of the room to look like a living room almost.

As Shoji looked around, he saw a mirror that was facing away from him. He then slid bow the side of his bed, climbing down slowly as to both not make noise and hurt himself because of his rapid decline in height. 

Soon he was in front of the mirror, looking at himself and seeing he was probably no younger than probably seven or even five. He had red eyes, jet black hair, and wore some pretty simple silky pajamas. Though he couldn't help but feel like his face was a little naked due to the lack of a mask.

Shoji: 'Pure Connection.' he thought, the white screen then popping up in front of him, emanating  a soft yet easy on the eyes glow of white. He then looked over his skills, seeing every one that he chose along with the increase in mana and health. Though as he was looking, he noticed something that wasn't there before.

《________________♠Pure Connection♠________________》

Shoji Takaki- Title: ✹The Goddess' Favorite✹


Shoji then gained a small blush that he quickly shook away, looking around the room once more before seeing the large windows that let in a small amount of moon light. He then walked over to the windows before opening them, the light now fully coming into the room, lighting it up some and giving him an amazing view of the abnormally large garden that was outside. 

Shoji: 'So... I guess I'm royalty.. maybe.' he thought as he looked out the window at the variety of flowers that were in the garden. He then turned around and saw the double door that seemed to lead to the hall. 'Should I go explore? ' he thought to himself before he walked over to the doors, looking up at them for a moment before he reached up and grabbed the handle, pushing it open with a small grunt before he walked out into the hall, beginning his journey through his new home.


The mansion was full of many decorative things, like statues of armor, painting, more gold engravings on the lining of the walls. Shoji personally thought that is was a little much even for a rich family to have so much gold things. He was kind of a minimalist when it came to things like decorations. 

Soon, Shoji was at the stairs. It was a large double stair case that winded down and seemed to lead to the entrance of the mansion. He figured it would probably be a good place to return to if he got lost.

He then grabbed the railing best he could, trying to navigate the dark, and began his decent down to the bottom floor, moving a little awkwardly as he tried his best to not fall down.

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