Chapter 12

307 14 4

Stat Check: (This was a pain in the ass to copy paste and change)

《________________♠Pure Connection♠________________》

|Shoji Takanaki - Title: ✹The Goddess' Favorite✹| Lv. 35 |Mana : 15,650/15,650  |  Hp: 35,060/35,060|

Str: 230

Dex: 201

Def: 146

Spd: 226

Wis: 120


-Magic Control: Ability to easily control mana and other forms of magic, and easily learn new forms of magic.
-Elemental Magic: Control over the elements.
-Sage: Better affinity to all forms of magic and subvariants of magic as well.
-Chant-less Casting: Cast spell with little as a thought.
-Magic Resistance : Gain a resistance to magical spells.
-Magic Vision(Activated): See the flow of magic and even small fairies.
-Heal: A basic healing spell. Can be amplified by layering the spell.
-Holy Magic: Magic used to add a divine affect to magic, or to easily vanquish the undead. Can be amplified by layering the spell.
-Construct: Combine or create differing spell circles and create new spells and/or sub elements.--Water spout: Shoot out a strong current of water. (Strength varies with amount of mana given.)
-Flame spat: Shoot a quick cluster of mini balls of fire.(Amount Varies on mana given)
-Shock wave: Create a small wave of electricity around your self. Inflict a shock to attackers (Distance and amount of waves depend on skill of spell and given mana)
-Muffle: Create an area where sound is nullified to those outside (Distance depends on given Mana, and must be sustained with Mana)
-Tesla Whip - Stage 3: hold a crackling whip that wraps around opponents and delivers a painful and stunning shock. (Stages of spell vary with control and mana given.
-Shadow Movement: Move through the shadows via teleportation, simple unseen movements and not be seen by even the most vigilant eyes. Effectiveness of spell depends on technique with spell. (Warning- saps away mana with prolonged use.)
-Safety Net: Manipulate wind to create an almost squish plat form that absorbs the impact of a fall. Amount of magic used affects size, texture, and impact absorbed.

-Mountain Climbing (Maxed): Climb anything with great and unnatural ease with little to no affect to body strength and stamina.
-Master Swordsmanship (780/1000) :Gain the ability of a Master swordsman through grueling training, swinging your sword with all you can.
-Deadly Technique (90/100): Gain the ability to see the weak points of a creature with a glance.(Effectiveness depends on proficiency with skill.)
-Masterful Blade Work(350/1000): The pride and joy of an assassin. Gain the ability to skillfully wield a dagger(s) and easily take out an opponent.
-Healthy Body: Rarely get sick, and have an amazing immune system.
-Muscle Multiplier: Working out gives you more than 10x the original output of stat's gained. 
-Poison Resistance: Gain a small resistance to poisons. Can train this skill to be stronger.
-Damage Resistance : Gain a Great Resistance to physical pain. Can be trained.
-Filet(100/1000): Take apart a dead animal or monster with great ease. 
-Masterful Reflexes(800/10,000): Gain the skill needed to sense any on coming object, person and move accordingly with super human precision.

⟼ Two Years Later⟻


Shoji sat on the top of a hill that was shaded by a tree, taking a deep breath as he breathed in the fresh air that of the outskirts. He did spend a lot of time in the city, but it never really smelled as fresh as it did outside, or at all. 

Though things were getting a bit better. The tax collectors that swindled the Nun were now either gone, or doing their jobs correctly. Whether this was him or his father's doing he didn't know, but it was a lot better to sleep on the pews without being woken up by the sun hitting his face.

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