Chapter 9

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Shoji looked out at the morning sun as it just began to rise before he sighed. He wrote a note on a piece of paper, dipping his pen into ink before finishing his letter, leaving it outside his door. It read: "I'm not hungry today, don't bother bringing me food or knocking on the door, I wont answer."

Bella: "You sure this is a good idea?" she asked.

Shoji: "Probably not, but this might take all day, and I want to get stated early." he said as he stretched, dawning his assassin like clothing, "Okay, lets do this." he said before he jumped out the window.


Shoji walked around the bad side of town, as some the local people called it. It wasn't necessarily as broken down as the other side, but it was were crime thrived for the most part. He had nearly had his bag of coin stolen multiple times just by being on the roads. 

Bella: "You might as well just take to the roofs," she said, "Would be a lot less annoying."

Shoji: "I would, but I wouldn't remember as well if I did." he said.

Bella: "Remember what?" she asked.

Shoji: "Don't worry about it," he said, "It wont matter if I'm wrong anyway." he said as he soon arrived at a place he was now dreading even existed. He then sighed before going in the building, being hit with an expected smell of baked goods. 


(Baker): "Hold on, I'll be out in a moment!" she said as she tolled around in the back of the bakery. 

Shoji looked around the store as he was filled with pain staking nostalgia. It was almost identical to his memory. 

(Baker): "Hello, how may I.." the woman said, trailing off as she stopped in her place. She had pure white hair and near golden eyes. She seemed to be in her late twenties, and wore a simple bakers outfit, "W-who are you?" she asked, slightly fearful as she looked cautiously at Shoji.

Shoji: "Wait, wait!" he said, putting up his hands, "I'm only here to buy some food, I'm just hungry." 

(Baker): "Oh! Sorry sir!" she said with a bow, "At times we get customers who want a little more than just some of our bread, ahem, anyway, what would you like," she said as she rushed to the counter.

Shoji: "Um.. I was wondering if you could make me a.. you know what, surprise me." he said with a smile in his eyes, "I would prefer it if you were to fill up a bag with fruity pasties as well." 

(Baker): "Oh.. um, is price going to be an issue?" she asked.

Shoji: "No it wont, just two bags, one with fruity pastries of your choice, and the other with what ever you desire for me." he said simply.

(Baker): "Ah, okay," she said as she begun filling out his order, going about the store a bit as she began filling the first bag with her pastries.

Bella: "What are we doing here?" she asked, "Did you just want some pastries or something?" 

Shoji: "Just wait a second, I waiting for someone." he said. 

After a few moments, (Baker) was finished with the first bag, and moved on to the second one. Just then, the door to the store opened. 

Lucinda: "Mom!" she said before she ran into Shoji, then falling to the ground with a humph, "Ow." she said as she rubbed her head.

Shoji then turned around and looked at the girl that was on the ground. Her hair was white, like her mothers, but her eyes were a royal blue. Lucinda then looked up at Shoji, a small fear forming in her eyes as she looked up at his red ones.

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