Chapter 22

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Shoji let out an exhausted sigh. The school was large, colossal in size even, but that also meant there were extremally long fucking lines to even register into the school. Bell even left him because she was so bored, which made it even worse. He wished he could just skip this part like in an anime, but this wasn't an anime.. sadly enough. 

Shoji then looked around at the nobles and commoners that surrounded him and Lilith, most of them were trying to look away from him, awkward and nervous looks on their faces as they tried to look at anything else, others were more focused on the long lines and just tried not to bring any attention to him. He then let out another sigh. 

Shoji: "How long is this going to take." he grumbled, rubbing his temples. 

Lilith: "Well, from what I remember, there was a record of days when it took almost three for people to enroll because of the sheer amount of students." she stated, causing Shoji to let out a groan.

Shoji: "Why is it so hard to get a stupid education." he grumbled, "Can't I just learn most of this stuff at home?" 

Lilith: "I suppose you could, but that probably wouldn't be the most efficient way to learn most things." she said, " You'll need someone to ask when you get stuck on a problem or don't understand something."

Kenning: " That and you wouldn't be able to see your friends." he said, suddenly appearing out of no where. 

Shoji: "Prince Kenning." he said, not showing any enthusiasm. 

Kenning: " It's great seeing you again Willian, and it's lovely to see you Mrs. Lilith." he said with a small bow as the sounds of whispering surrounded them. People looked in awe, as they gossiped about the prince, wondering why he was talking to him and what their relationship was. 

Shoji then let out another sigh, grabbing his temples as the prince Kenning noticed.

Kenning: " Would you like to skip to the front?" he asked. 

Shoji: "I thought this school didn't allow for status to define a person?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. 

Kenning: "While that is true, people do tend to follow the orders of a prince, no matter how much it breaks the rules or how dirty they have to get to earn my favor." he said, glancing to the other students that were eyeing their group. 

Shoji: "True." he said, looking around, "People do tend to do that so.. sure, let's head to the front." he said Kenning then gaining a wide smile before walking down the long line of people, both Shoji and Lilith following after him.

The other students looked both shocked and angry, but they didn't dare glare at the prince, so they directed most of their hate at Lilith and Shoji, though they didn't seem to care as much as they would want them too. 

Lilith: "It feels like daggers." she said with a small chuckle. 

Shoji: " I don't really notice it anymore." he said, rubbing his neck, "It's not like they'll do anything anyway, most of them are to cowardly to even raise a sword." he said, glaring back at a group of people more intensely causing them to shrink away, "See?"

Lilith then let out a chuckle before they finally reached the front of the reception. There were decently sized booths that were handing out information and bags of items and clothes that would be needed for the school. As they walked to an occupied reception, they bumped into the line behind them, the people the cut in front of nearly scoffing before they saw who cut in front of them, only then seething to themselves.

Shoji: 'This is going to be a.. time.' he grumbled to himself before they were next in line.

Receptionist: "Hello and Welcome to Alder-Vera, the school of gifted youth, please hand in your acceptance letter or tell me your name." she stated in a bubbly tone. 

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