Chapter 21

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⟼ Three Years Later⟻

Shoji laid on his bed, resting his head on the thighs of a familiar blue haired fairy. It was early it the morning and he didn't feel like getting up at the moment, that and Bella's half hearted advances to get him up only to give him a lap pillow made staying in bed feel even better. 

It was finally the day that he goes to the capital for school. At first he thought that it would be just like the school in his original world, ridden with fake friends, bullies, and people who wanted to use him. But then he realized that those people would probably just avoid him since he was known as a serial killer, which technically wasn't wrong. 

Arthur: " Willian!" he yelled, bagging on the door, " It's time for you to go to the capital. We've already arranged everything that you would need for accommodations, and your carriage has already been packed."

Now was the part that he was dreading the most, the ride to the capital. Carriage ride would take about a week, from what he was told, and he knew how uncomfortable carriages were from just a ride into town. 

Shoji: "Coming." he said before pulling himself off of Bella's lap, a pout on her face as he did so, "C'mon Bella." he said, " You know I hate carriages, but you can defiantly make it better." he said in a tired voice, causing her to blush before she cleared her voice. 

Bella: "F-Fine." she muttered before she floated to Shoji and sat on his neck. 

Shoji then let out a small groan. 

Shoji: "Aren't you getting a little bit for this?" he asked, looking up at Bella. 

Bella: "Sh-Shut Up!!" she yelled, hitting him on the head, "Just get to the carriage already!" 

Shoji: "Okay, okay!" he said rushing out the room as Bella continued to him, going past his father who looked at him with a nearly melancholic look.

Soon, Shoji was at the front of the manor, the maids and butlers standing along a red carpet stood at attention to say goodbye to him. Just from their glances and smiles, Shoji could tell that most of them were glad he was going. It was natural to him at this point, the person he had taken over had killed many civilians and even tried to murder his sister with little to no repercussion. 

He then walked up to the carriage, a plain expression on his face as he dreaded the upcoming ride before he felt someone grab his shoulder. 

Talos: "No leaving without saying goodbye to your commander are you?" he asked, sweat beading on Shoji's neck, " I would've thought better of you, maybe I should put you through the ringer one last time before we see you-Ack!?" he grunted as he felt an elbow in his side. 

Susie: " Leave him off without threatening him." she scolded as Talos quickly released Shoji. 

Talos: "Y-Yes my, love." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Susie then let out a sigh as Shoji turned to face them.

Susie: "Though I would've like it as well if you had the thought to say your farewells to us." she said with a little disappointment.

Shoji: "S-Sorry," he said, " I didn't really think that anyone wanted to." he said, "Well, aside from my family. " he said. 

Susie: "Despite that, it's still rude to not at least announce your leaving to those around you." she said with a sigh, "I never imagined I would need to explain common etiquette at your age, but an in depth lesson will have to wait until your return."

Shoji the let out a small groan. 

Shoji: "Yes, Ma'am." he said sounding a little defeated before he was suddenly pulled into a hug. 

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