Chapter 18

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⟼ Three Days Before The Party⟻



Shoji took a deep breath as he steeled himself for what he had hoped would be the last time he would need to do something like this. It had been a short while since he started this escapade, but he had made a lot of.. progress in dealing with the thug factions. Now there was only one more, one more faction base before everything would settle back down to the way it was before. 

〔Inside Building〕

Inside the top floor of the building sat a man who wore a business suit. he was surrounded by guards in his office as he tapped his foot on the ground, his mind running nearly a mile a minute as he tried too keep his cool on the outside.

Dominic: 'What the hell am I going to do?' he pondered, 'This bastard took out every other faction in a matter of weeks, without care of who they were, their status, or even wealth. On top of that, my assets outside have been ransacked before they were all killed off.. I backed into a corner.'

The room remained silent as the guards felt the building anger in their leader, beads of sweat forming on their foreheads before Dominic quickly stood up and walked over to the window behind his desk, taking a breath as he looked at the fallen kingdom that he had once taken a part in. 

After a moment, he spotted a figure on the roof adjacent to him, peering down at him as he aimed his arm at him. Dominic had heard of this mechanism before, back when he though he could deal with this person if he had ever came for him. It was a simple cross bow that was fitted to the wrist, probably useless, or even self threatening in the wrong hands, but the way this man used it made it seem like an invention that an assassin would die to have. 

Dominic: "Huh," he hummed before the sound of glass shattering filled the room, Dominic's body falling back onto his chair before he fell dead. 

The guards were then filled with fear, most fleeing through the office door as they were taken out with more crossbow bolts that slammed into the backs of their heads, bodies falling to the ground as the remaining escaped through the door.

Shoji then dove into the room from the window, the remaining glass breaking away and falling to the ground as he landed on the desk before dashing through the door and slamming his daggers into the back of the nearest guard.

The man then let out a gurgled scream, letting the others know that danger was close before Shoji tore out his dagger and slammed them in the man's head, stopping the screams before he went for the remaining men, blood soaking his clothes once again as he finished off the remaining faction members, the last scream marking the end of the factions. 


Shoji let out a sigh as he scrubbed the remaining blood from his skin, wringing out the rag into the now blood tinted water. He then reached into his spatial storage before he pulled out some clothes, getting dressed before he heard a knock at the door.

Shoji: "Come in." he said as he pulled his shirt over his head.

The nun then came in, smiling before giving a deep bow.

Shoji: "You don't have to do that." he said.

Iris: " It would be a crime to not bow ones head for their nobles." she said. 

Shoji: "Well, I'm not a regular noble," he said, "I don't care about stuff like that." 

Iris: "Even so, you've done so much for the orphanage since you've first came here, I dare not show any thing less than that of gratitude for what you have done." she said. 

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