Chapter 19

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Shoji seemed to freeze for a moment before coming back to his senses only for a moment. It was Lilith, another one of the original cast from the anime. Almost instantly his thought process changed to Lucinda. 

Lilith's family then walked into the manor, looking as pristine and proper as most of the other nobles that came through, but he couldn't help but look at the way Lilith was carrying herself. She seemed scared almost, but more fed up then anything.

Shoji thought that her fear was a good thing, she would keep her distance and not want to get any closer to him, but he would really have to drive it home to make sure that she didn't try to interact with him.

〔Ballroom - P.O.V Change: Lilith

Lilith: ' I can't believe I'm here at this stupid party.' she thought, 'I could've been safe at home, practicing magic or catching up on my studies, but now I have to be here at this party of a boy who's killed more people than I knew.' 

As Lilith walked closer to the father son duo, she kept her eyes on Shoji. Cautiously watching him as to make a move if he tried anything. Once they were close enough, she bowed to Shoji like everyone else with a lower rank before she glanced up at him. Making eye contact. 

Shoji didn't expect her look up at him, considering the fact it was a little  disrespectful and nobles thrived on respect and knowing the etiquette of showing respect, but he decided to capitalize on the action. 

Just then Lilith was subject to a glare that Shoji generally reserved for the faction members, it was cold, and filled with an underlying anger that was not entirely directed at her, despite him trying. But it seemed to have the desired effect, as she was filled with fear before looking quickly looking back to the ground.

Once the bow was finished, Lilith quickly stood up and rushed her parents away from Shoji, quickly going into the ball room so she could be away from Shoji. 

Lilith: 'D-Damnit!' she cursed as she pushed her parents along, 'Y-You may win this time, bit I'll get the upper hand on you next time!' she thought as her heart still thumped with fear.

As Lilith entered the ball room, she quickly departed from her parents before they could her any questions. Her altercation with the literal child murder was her business, not theirs, and she would figure out how to expose him and take him down for the good of the kingdom. 

After Lilith's inner Monologue, she went over to socialize with a couple of the other young nobles, looking around and seeing a crowd of female nobles around a girl with blonde hair and purple eyes who sat on a chaise lounge (Long soft chair thing). She seemed like the definition of elegant; she was beautiful and had a graceful air to her that seemed to attract the crowd of women around her who wanted to just be seen with her. Even she seemed to gravitate towards her. 

Soon, Lilith was by this elegant girl, joining in the conversation that they were having almost like she was there before it started. 

Elizabeth: " Th- Thank you everyone." she said, " I haven't been able to go out since I was younger. My body is rather fragile and it's hard to move around a lot." 

Eleanor: "It's not a problem at all!" she said, awing over Elizabeth's cute appearance. 

Cloe: "Yeah, we'd love to come visit you all the time so you don't have to move an inch!" she cooed. 

Abigale: "By the way, what house do you belong to?" she asked. 

Elizabeth: "Oh, I belong to-" she said before she was cut off. 

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