Chapter 25

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Shoji let out a sigh as he leaned back in his seat. The classes were a lot more lack luster than he had thought, surprisingly, he had known a lot of the information that the teachers were teaching. Math, a bit of science, and other things that he learned from the library when Bell didn't try to drop heavy books on his head.. he still felt his skull pounding for days after she dropped the entire history of the kingdom on his head, literally.

Soon, the bell rang once again, marking the end of the class period, and the beginning of lunch time. 

As their group of three entered the lunch room, Shoji could feel the thousands of eyes that were on them. Some were looking at Kenning, few at Lilith, but most were looking at him. it had seemed that Willian's infamy had travel further than he thought. 

He then headed over to the lunch line as people seemed to part like the red sea for them, gawking as they passed and simply grabbed their lunch from the workers. 

Lilith: "I wonder why  they're so scared," she chuckled, "Is it because of Prince Kenning's authority or is it because of Willian's reputation."

Kenning: "Well, what ever it may be, it's rather helpful for getting food." he said, "They say it's as good as the chef's cooking in the palace, I wonder just how true that is."

Shoji then let out a sigh. 

Shoji: " It doesn't matter," he said, "It's just food, savory or not it only matters if it taste good." he sighed, "Now, let's get to a-" he started before a figure came into view. On the distant side of the lunch room was a the last person he wanted to see.. of course in such a setting he would see Lucinda, sitting at a table and eating lunch with a few from the original cast, including Diana who sat closest to her, and Ren as she ate a giant meal with a few from her tribe who had at least a few scraps of manners.

It was quaint, almost a spitting image of the anime aside from how Lucinda was. She seemed different, the way she held herself, how she seemed to be consistently looking around.. something was off.

Kenning: "A friend of yours?" he asked, knocking Shoji out of his head space. 

Shoji: "No," he said, "It's no one important." he groaned, "L-Let's just find a seat." he said, almost storming off. 

Lilith: "Seems like who ever that is has an effect on him." she said, "Lucky~." 

Kenning: "It just means you have to work a bit harder," he said, patting her on the shoulder, "I believe in you." 

Lilith: "Thanks Ken!" she said before they followed after Shoji.

. . .〔Outside Dorms〕- A Few Periods Later -. . .

The clashing of blades rang through out the boy's dorm, the sound of orcs cheering as loudly as ever following closely behind as the daily training commenced. 

It was after school, and as the chief of the orcs, Shoji was dragged to their daily training, acting as basically a training dummy that can fight back. 

Shoji: "D-Damn it!" he cursed. 

And he was doing a pretty bad job at it, despite being able to hold his ground and win on most occasions, he was still pretty bad at wielding the club they called a sword. The system didn't even recognize it as a sword, which was where he was getting most of his problems from. He didn't realize how much he was using the system to fight, though it wasn't much, it still made up a good chunk of his technique. 

Shoji then swiped the feet of the orc he was facing before slamming the club down onto him, knocking the air out of them before he put up his hands. 

Orc): "I yield, I yield!" he yelled, waving his hands as Shoji was about to swing the club sword again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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