Chapter 15

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⟼  Three Days Later⟻

〔Training Grounds〕

Shoji stood against the female recruit, who he figured out was named Alaine, trying to have her alter her form of fighting so that she would have an easier time fighting against a more diverse group of combatants, but it was hard. It was almost like she had been training the same way for years, so it was hard to get her out of the habits she had. Though it wasn't all bad, he was able to get his sword skill up while he was doing it, it was a lot more beneficial to the skill if he hadn't killed the enemy as fast as he could. 

Shoji then blocked an attack coming from Alaine before he let go of his sword and grabbed her wrist at an inhumane speed, pulling her to the ground with a loud thud. 

Shoji: "Great as always." he said, "But still, your thinking about how to fight against someone who's on the normal scale of a human, and your to distracted with my weapon." he scolded, "Any part of the body can cause harm to someone, not matter how small. Even a persons looks and be.. deadly." he said. 

Alaine: "Yes sir," she said as she pulled herself off of the ground. 

Shoji then looked her over, seeing the bruises that he had inadvertently put on her, feeling a little bad before his skill board suddenly popped up. 



-Master Swordsmanship(1000/1000): The next tier of this skill is locked, you must share your skills with an apprentice to overcome this blockage. 


Shoji: "Hmm." he hummed, looking at the skill board as he read through it, "I need an apprentice," he muttered. 

Alaine: "Sir?" she asked, bringing Shoji's attention to her as she held her sword, "Are we done with sparing for today?" she asked, 

Shoji: "No.. but I do have a small question though." he said before he pushed away the skill window, "I was wondering for a while, about your fighting style, did someone teach it to you?" he asked. 

Alaine: "Yes I was taught by my previous master," she said, "He had taught me the virtues of a fair fight, and honor among humans.. though I don't think he liked Demi-Humans very much if at all, which maybe why my training is lacking in some areas that you have shown me." 

Shoji: "Hmm.. where is your master?" he asked, " I don't think I heard of anyone who was a master of swordsmanship in the city." 

Alaine: "He wasn't a master," she said, "I would've been blessed by the goddess with unimaginable if someone like that had taken me in." she said, "Master was very talented with the sword though, he was ranked almost the twentieth in the region despite his old age." she said. 

Shoji: "R-Really?" he asked rubbing the back of his head,' Did I down play my level of swordsmanship?' he asked himself. 

Alaine: "Yes he was," she said, pausing for a moment, "Well.. that was until he was killed during a duel between him and a man who was far more skilled." 

Shoji: "Oh. s-sorry for your loss." he said, giving a small bow. 

Alaine: "You don't need to apologize," she said, remaining stoic," My master told me and prepared me for such an event. It is to be expected in the world of swordsmanship.. though he always thought that he would die to a Demi-Human." she muttered. 

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