Chapter 11

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⟼One Week Later

〔Bullock's Smithy〕

Shoji groaned as he walked into the Bullock's shop, looking annoyed.

Shoji: "Bullock!" he yelled, the sound of a hammer hitting the ground the followed with the sound for grumbling then following.

Bullock: "What the fuck do you want!" he yelled, breaking down the door to his smithy yet again with the swing of his hammer.

Shoji: "I almost died." he said plainly.

Bullock: "... Well you ain't dead is ya?" he asked.

Shoji: "Nope, I'm not." he said, putting his hands on his hips.

Bullock: "The you'll be fine." he said, returning to work.

Shoji: "See! I Told you!" he said, looking at Bella.

Bella: "He's old and grouchy, he doesn't count." she said, folding her arms. 

Bullock then groaned.

Bullock: "If you came here to have some argument with your fairy friends then leave me be." he said, waving them both off.

Shoji: "Actually, I came because I needed. new armor and weapons," he said, "The other stuff broke when I almost died."

Bullock then groaned.

Bullock: "I swear your the only bastard that breaks weapons as fast as I give 'em out." he said before he reached behind his counter, pulling out two daggers, "Take those ones, they should last you for a bit till I finish making ya something that wont break on ya'." he said as he put them on the counter and walked back to his smithy. 

Shoji: "Wait," he said, stopping Bullock in his tracks, "I need a regular sword too." he said as he picked up the daggers.

Bullock then sighed before he reached behind the counter again and pulled out a sword.

Bullock: "Take it and leave!" he yelled before he threw it at him.

Shoji: "Do you just have weapons back there or something?" he asked as he caught the sword.

Bullock: "I said leave you damn nuisance!" he yelled, throwing a hammer that Shoji promptly dodged before quickly leaving,

Shoji: "Bye." he said as he left.

Bullock: "Annoying brat," he said under his breath before he returned to the forge, hammering away at his recent project.

〔Monster Forest〕

Shoji walked out into the forest, following behind Bella as she led him to some place.

Bella sighed.

Bella: "Why are we doing this now?" she asked, "Don't you think you should at least wait a little longer to heal before you start leveling up?" she said, looking back at Shoji.

Shoji: "I've told you before, I have a lot of health." he said, "A little pain wont kill me." he said pridefully.

Bella: "That's not the problem." she said under her breath.

Soon, Bella and Shoji came up on a cliff, the sound of grunting and tongue clicking was soon heard from over the edge. 

Bella: "We're here." she said floating over the edge and looking down at the creatures that were below.

Shoji then peered over the edge, looking down and seeing extremely familiar green humanoid creatures.

Shoji: "Goblins?" he said, as he looked down at the once fake monsters. 

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