Chapter 5

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Shoji hopped over the wall of the manor with the help of the wind fairies, once more landing with as little as a thud. He then glanced around before seeing two guards that were closing in from the sides. 

Bella: "This way!" she said, grabbing Shoji's attention before he quickly bolted to the spot and vaulted over, landing in the familiar wind of the fairies and landing on the dirt ground without a sound. He then bolted down the alley, as the guards walked passed. 

Soon Shoji was in the streets of the town. It was quiet, and their was only a few people that lingered around, most likely because of the street lamps that kept the area somewhat lit. 

Shoji: "Where the clothes shop?" he asked.

Bella: "Right over there," she said, pointing to a store across the street that had a roll of thread over the glass and the name Silhouette Tailors on it, "Kind of obvious, don't you think?" she asked.

Shoji: "Well, sorry," he said as he crossed the street, being cautious of the street as he did so before making it to the shop, taking a breath before opening the door. 

As he opened the door, the doorbell rang from above him. 

〔Silhouette Tailors〕

(Tailor): "Welcome to- Oh," he said as he saw Shoji enter his shop, "Now what is a child doing in my shop?" he asked as he rounded the counter, "Are you perhaps lost?" he asked. 

(Tailor) wore a cream white dress shirt along with a dark brown vest with a gold embroidered roll of thread on it along with a pair of black dress pants, his clothing going well with his darker brown hair that was stylized as a swoop over from the right. And he wore a red tie to put everything together with a splash of color.

Shoji looked around the shop, seeing rows and rows of fabric and mannequins that dawned clothing that the Tailor more than likely made. Everything seemed to be in good quality, which was a good sign. 

Shoji then pulled out the bag of coin and reached inside it before pulling out a gold coin, surprising the (Tailor).

Shoji: "I need you to make me something to cover my face, can you do that?" he asked.

(Tailor) walked over and put out his hand, Shoji then giving the coin to the man before he looked closely at it, trying to identify weather or not it's real before storing it in his front pocket. 

(Tailor): "My apologies dear customer," he said," Welcome to my shop, what type of clothing are you searching for again?" he asked.

Shoji: "Something to cover my face please," he said. 

(Tailor): "Hmm, " he hummed to himself, "I have just the thing." he said, "I'm just going to need a few measurements if it's okay with you sir?" he asked.

Shoji then nodded before he followed (Tailor) to a small riser and had him stand on it.

( Raiser - The small stage thing you stand on to get clothes fitted)

(Tailor): "So are you planning on coming back on a later date?" he asked.

Shoji: "I'm thinking about it," he said, "If this goes well, the I may come here to replace my entire wardrobe." he muttered.

(Tailor): "Oh, why is that?" he asked as he pulled the measuring tape around Shoji's calf.

Shoji: "My clothes are all.. to flashy," he said, "I like black a bit more than other colors.. red and white as well." 

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