Chapter 4

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-[⟲ Before (Dad) fell ⟲]-

〔Dinning Room〕

(Dad): "Darling, I assure you that he's getting better," he said, "You saw him yesterday, he was like the nice boy that we both know he is." 

(Mom): " That was just one day, honey." she said, " You don't know when something could happen, he could snap at any moment, we had to put a protection spell over our daughters room because of his violence!" she said, "Do you not remember the terror that she had at the mere mention of his name?"

(Dad): "I.. I remember.." he said as he thought back to the moment that filled him with the most dread during his life as a father, "I... I can never forgive myself for what-" he tried saying.

(Mom): "It's not your fault, it's his!" she said, "That child knows good and well what he's done to his sister, and what villainous acts he committed." she said as tears streamed down her face, "I.. I don't know if she'll ever recover from-" she tried saying before a terrifyingly familiar scream filled both of their ears. 

(Dad): " Elizabeth," he muttered before he ran and barged through the dinning hall doors. He immediately looked up towards the stairs and saw Shoji standing over Elizabeth. "No," he muttered to himself as he saw a near perfect repeat of the same situation that happened before. The day that Elizabeth became bed ridden... He couldn't let that happen again, he couldn't let his biggest failure as a father repeat for a second time. 

(Dad) Then began rushing up the stairs, stumbling over some as he cursed the height of the blasted manor. He was right there, right there when something unexpected happened, his son, hugged Elizabeth. Pulling her in as tight as he possibly could, but not enough to hurt her at all. It shocked him so much, that he missed a step and fell down flat.

-[⟲ Before (Butler) fell ⟲]-


(Butler) stood with (Maid2) and Samantha, the two prior looking at Samantha like she said she saw a manifestation of the Goddess herself. 

(Maid2): "Wait, wait, wait," she said, "Your telling me that the same Young Master that wouldn't think twice about killing the citizens of his own family's town, patted you on the head?" she asked.

Samantha: "Y-Yes," she said, still shocked, "I-I had thought he had gotten angry at me when he asked for my name, but he said he just wanted to call me by name, and patted my head." she explained.

(Butler): "No," he said sternly as he put a hand to his chin to think, "He must be planning something." he concluded, "I've seen the things that bastard had done to people."

Samantha: "H-hey-" she tried saying before (Maid2) Stopper her.

(Maid2): "N-no," she said, putting a hand on Samantha's shoulder, "He's right.. I've see the things the child has done to... things that would make you think he wasn't a child at all.. but a demon in the skin of a child.."

Just then, the screams of Elizabeth were heard.

(Butler): "I fucking knew it!" he yelled as he ran down the hall, going after Shoji.

Reka looked at Shoji as he looked down with a sad expression at Elizabeth, she could feel the sadness and slight hatred that was radiating off of him. She was about to say some thing before she heard the pit pattering of running to her left. She then quickly turned to see the butler making a mad dash to Shoji. 

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