Chapter 17

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〔Joshua's House〕

The first death was gruesome, a dagger being shoved through the chest of the guard at the door, not even being given a moment to scream as blood overed the other faction members. Shoji then pulled his arm back before he kicked the body forward, knocking a group of men to the ground before he charged at them with his daggers, repeatedly shoving his daggers into their bodies, blood spirting from every wound as he forced the blades deep into their chest. 

Just then, the door to one of the rooms was flung open, a naked man with a red face came out yelling. 

Man: "What the hell is-.." he paused before he laid his eyes on Shoji for a moment, seeing the blood that painted the room before he then felt a cold dagger in his throat before it was ripped open. 

As the man fell, Shoji was able to look into the living room, his anger rising as he saw the group of men standing over an unconscious body that he more than just recognized.

He then gripped onto his daggers even harder as he jumped at the men, plunging his dagger into their throat as he ripping their bodies to sheds as he felt a strange yet unsated satisfaction growing.

Once the last body fell, he could only hear a silence that was near deafening before he heard the slightest creek coming from the second floor. His body then moved as if it were controlled as he moved to the second floor with near unfollowable speed. Soon busting down the door where the slight creaking had come from.

He then laid his eyes on the two bodies in the room, a man, and a child. 

Shoji's rage then reached an un imaginable level, charging forward and tackling the man through the wall he was adjacent to, shoving his dagger into his stomach as they hit the grassy ground. He then raised both his daggers in the air, and slammed them down, again, and again, and again as the gurgling blood coming out of the man's mouth spilled out onto the ground. 

And then suddenly, it was quiet. No more screaming, no more yelling. Only the blood that stained his body, and his now clearing vision as he looked down at the mangled man below him.

Shoji's stomach lurched, the sight making him nearly sick before he realized just what he had felt just before he came back to his senses. It was satisfaction, when he had killed the bastards, he was filled with satisfaction.  He then glanced back at the house for a moment before he turned back to the walls of the city, his heart beating against his chest as he felt the urge to run away. 

And so, he did. 

Shoji ran to the city, bolting through the open gate, passing the guards  at shocking speeds as he left a trail of blood behind him, disappearing into the rooftops of the crime ridden city.

⟰ Day ⟰


Shoji sat in an alley way, hidden under tarps and boxes as he looked at his bloodied hands. Hours had passed, if the sounds of people walking, talking, and arguing were any indication. 

Suddenly, Shoji heard the sound of footsteps walking down the alley. They were slow and almost like a person trying to calm down an animal so they can get close too it. 

Bella: "Shoji," she said, he voice hitting Shoji's ears like a cold steel, " Shoji.. are you okay?" she asked in a caring tone. 

Shoji didn't speak, his eyes remaining on his bloodied hands before he heard a heavy sigh from Bella before she lifted up the tarp, revealing him to the world as his eyes stung from the light. 

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