Chapter 23

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Shoji let out a small groan as he panted. The Orcs had surrounded him, yelling and cheering as he fought the next contestant for first place. There were a lot more than he had thought, they probably made up a fourth, maybe even a third of the entire dormitory. Why wasn't he shown this? It seemed like a pretty important event. 

Shoji then slammed his fist into the jaw of the towering Orc in front of him, sending his kidding across the over turned dirt and into the crowd of unsuspecting Orcs. 

Shoji: "A-Alright." he panted, "Who's next?" he asked as he wiped some dirt from his face.

The Orcs then looked around among them before their eyes collectively landed on the largest Orc. He towered over them all, seemed strangely stoic, and had long stringy hair that sat messily on top of his head. 

Orcs: "Kraven, Kraven, Kraven!" they all chanted as the giant walked out onto the battle field, their stoic expression still on their face as they almost glared at Shoji. 

Shoji then fixed his stance, letting out a breath as he tried clearing away some of his fatigue. Kraven seemed more formidable then the rest of the Orcs, more stable as well. It was even a little unnerving, but Shoji knew he could hold his own. 

Suddenly, mid-step, Kraven leaned forward and launched himself at Shoji, causing the teen to put up his guard and brunt the full force of Kraven's punch. It sent him skidding across the ground before Kraven followed up with an over head smash, Shoji then dodged before his hands smashed into the ground shattering the stone. 

Shoji then reoriented himself. Kraven hit a lot more than he thought, it was almost staggering, but he knew he couldn't back down. He had created such a large crowd that it would've been embarrassing to lose here. 

Shoji then jumped at Kraven, the giant orc doing the same before they clashed, both giving the other determined glares as they were filled with the universal and primal urge to win. 

〔Alder-Vera: Girls Dorm〕

Ren let out a sigh as she laid on her bed. She had finally gotten into the school after wait many, many long hours for registration. She would rejoice with an Orc's roar, but she knew that this was just the beginning. She would have to conform to the rules of the school, keep a clean and reputable reputation, and on top of that, she would need to keep an eye on all of the male orcs. She then let out another groan. 

Ever since she had proven herself to be stronger than the other Orcs her age, her father had given her authority over them, saying that it was training for her future a the next chieftain. It was an annoying but fulfilling role that she lead with pride. 

Ren then sat up before looking out her window, observing her temporary home before she saw a small group of her own kind rushing to the boy dorms. She then felt a small sense of unease as they ran out of view. 

Ren: "They'd better not be.." she grumbled before she got up and grabbed her battle axe, " I swear, if they even tried something like that I'll beat them into the ground."

〔Alder-Vera: Boy's Dorm - P.O.V. Change: Ren

Shoji let out a battle cry as he pulled back his fist and slammed it into Kraven's gut, causing the Orc's green blood to spurt out of his mouth before he grabbed Shoji by his face and slammed him into he ground.

The battle was a bloody one, just how the Orc's loved it. Fighting to the brink of death to see who shall rule over them all, it was like a dream come true for them. 

Shoji then gritted his teeth as Kraven slammed his fist into his stomach, causing his blood to well up in his mouth as he kept a firm grip on Kraven's fist. The Orc then tried to pull his fist back to hit Shoji again, only for it to barely budge. Shoji's hold was to strong, and he was too haggard to see the fist coming. 

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