Chapter 3

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Shoji walked into library, looking up at the walls that were lined with books. The room over all was empty, aside from the books and him, there seemed to be no other living thing in there. None that he could see anyway.

Shoji then sighed before he began looking around the library, looking for a specific selection of books. Specifically magic. The Goddess had told him the world had magic in it, there was no reason for their not to be at least a few books about is some where in the manor's library.

⟼3 Hours Later⟻

Shoji sighed as he laid, sprawled out, on the  ground surrounded in books that were no where near what he wanted to look at. Some of the books were even of the adult variety witch had made him blush like a tomato. 

He then sat up with a sigh, deciding to continue his search before he saw something out the corner of his eye. It was small, defiantly smaller than a regular human, and seemed to be emitting a blue light. Though when Shoji turned to look at it, it quickly bolted away.

Shoji: "W-Wait!" he said, stumbling to his feet and chasing after the thing. 

It was very fast, so fast that he could only get a few feet close before it bolted off again.

Shoji: "Please stop." he said, "I just want to find a book about magic." he said with a sigh before he saw the thing stop for a moment, "D-Do you understand me?" he asked, "I'm looking for a book about magic if you know where those are,"

The thing then stayed in place for a moment before it seemed to sigh, giving a small buzzing sound before it slowly floated behind a bookshelf, giving another buzz as if to call him over.

Shoji: "I guess I'm suppose to follow," he said to himself as he went after the floating ball of light. 

Soon, Shoji was finally able to open a book about magic. He sat on the ground after thanking the creature before he began reading a book that was labeled: Magic for Beginners. 

[Book: Magic for Beginners]

Magic at first may seem like a complicated subject, and though it is, it can be rather simple if you put in the work and brain power needed to become a Great Sage or even a member of the magic council. 

[Excerpt over]

Shoji: 'Magic Council?' he thought, 'Well I guess that makes sense. They probably research magic and probably try to make new forms of- "ACK!!?" he the yelped as he felt a book land on his head, accompanied with the buzzing of a familiar creature. "What was that for!?" he said, crying some because of the pain. 

The thing the buzzed again, tapping the book that was now sitting in his lap. 

Shoji: "You want me to read this?" he asked, the thing buzzing what could only be a yes in response. "Okay.. but you didn't have to drop it on my head." he said with a small pout before he looked down at the book. " The Ins and Outs of Fairies." he muttered to himself, "Oh are you a fairy?" he asked, the fairy seemingly nodding in response. 

Shoji then returned his attention to the book, opening it and reading from the beginning page.

[Book: ۞The Ins and Outs of Fairies۞]

Fairies are tricky creatures to get behind, being the object of both fiction and non-fiction, fairies are a widely known race. They are beings that the Goddess Amelia had created to help control the elements of magic in the world, though at times they can be mischievous in nature, they can also be a sign of good fortune. 

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