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Chosen's pov

"Ight hold up y'all let me go fill up my water bottle I'll be right back" me and all the rest of the girls are going round for round in volley ball and I'm out of breath

So I walked over to my bag and got my water then walked into the hallway to the water fountain and as I was trying to cool down and get my water I heard "Chosen is that you"

I then turned around to see my ex Miles and I instantly rolled my eyes because he's a piece of shit he's a cheating ass lier and a bad dominant "yeah wassup with you" he then started to walk closer making me back up

"Damn why you backing up I don't bite unless you want me to baby girl I remember you use to love that shit" I looked at him with a stank face and said

"Ayo back the fuck up don't nobody want your hoe ass biting them you probably got rabies" he looked at me shocked then chuckled "damn why you being so hostile you use to love coming home to me

You missed like two school breaks coming home  and all of a sudden you don't fuck with me anymore" I sucked my teeth "Miles we both new what was going on we were just fucking nothing more nothing less

Look I'm in a relationship I don't think we should still be talking you be safe out here though I have to get back in there to my momma

I then grabbed my bottle and started making my way back into the gym "what took you so long Chuchi we ready to up another game" my sister in law said but I just playfully rolled my eyes and said

"I just ran into Miles in the hallway shit just fried me" every girl in the room rolled their eyes except my mom everybody dislikes that boy even Queen

"I miss that boy I don't know why y'all broke up y'all were just together this summer" I rolled my eyes my mom loves Miles he's tall handsome clean cut and charming which there is nothing wrong with

My ex is a very attractive man but like I said before cheating ass lier "we broke up because he acts like a golden retriever in heat at the dog park he fucks anything he sees walking"

My mom shrugged "ok that's bad but he's smart,funny,charming,handsome sometimes you just have to look past some stuff because you with these multiple boyfriends I don't know if I like they don't seem in the same class as you"

My eyes went wide as I was about to talk but I quickly had to change some words remembering I was talking to my momma "so you would rather me be with a cheating ass lier and be unhappy then to be with three people I love and who make me happy

And what do you mean in the same class" my mom shook her head like I had miss heard her or something I'm right in front of her I didn't miss hear shit "I'm not saying that I'm just saying I would have like you to be with someone more like Miles

And your class we are upper middle class them boys especially that Ace looks like he doesn't know anything but the hood with all that slang and tattoos it ungodly"

"Momma we are from the hood just because we don't live there anymore or just because we don't act like it doesn't mean it didn't happen and Avion is from the hood but he's an amazing person and boyfriend

But you can think whatever you want im dating them you not I'm done with this discussion you know I thought it was gonna be a good week because when we got here you and dad were acting like normal parents but I knew it was gonna come out"

My mom made a face "what came out Chosen really stop being dramatic" I looked at my mom like she was stupid "your fucking judgment and dads hounding me about my education

Y'all know y'all can want the best for me without making me miserable right and your judging them but mom I seen you last night you barely spoke for words to then unless y'all talked some when I went upstairs"

My mom rolled her eyes "Chosen stop being dramatic I was just stating my opinion that's all I'm your mother I'm aloud to have my own opinion on who my daughter brings in her life and around me"

I looked at my mom for a few more seconds before nodded my head and then walking off grabbing my gym bag then walking through the connected door that lead to the basketball court

To see the boys in a heated game of basketball but then the heavy metal door slammed behind me making Ace call a time out and all my boyfriends walked over to my shaking body

"Baby what happened" Juni said as he picked me up from the bleachers and sat me on his lap "y'all didn't have to stop playing y'all's game I'm fine me and my mom just had a little disagreement"

"Disagreement about what" Ari said he sat next to us but I just shook my head "nothing I really don't wanna talk about it right now so y'all go finish y'all's game I love y'all"

They all gave me are you sure look before walking back on the court as I watched them play I didn't remember how much I missed watching Ace play and now that I see all my boys out there it's kinda turning me on

Like it's just the simple things that do it for me like seeing their v line every time they lift their shirt to wipe the sweat from their forehead

The sweat just dripping down their body oh my goodness these are just some fine ass niggas

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