Chapter 1: You can shut up now

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The magnificent seven 1

Alexis stumbles through the bathroom window. "This is ridiculous." She mutters. "Since when were you on board with keeping this from Sam? I told you we could tell him."

Dean, who was standing at the window, closing the curtains, turns to her. "You asked for this."

"I didn't ask to climb through a bathroom window just to have sex with my boyfriend. I mean, why the hell didn't we just leave Sam here and take the car? Worked out fine last--" Alexis was cut off by Dean pressing his lips to hers. Alexis wraps her arms around his neck, returning the kiss.

His hand slip under her shirt as he pushes her backwards towards the bed. They pull away long enough to pull their shirts off before falling into the bed. Alexis tilted her head to the side as Deans lips trailed her neck. She tugs on the end of his hair, smiling when she felt a low groan fall past his lips.

She moans as his grip on her hips tighten, his fingers pressing into her soft skin as she flipped the two over so she was straddling his hips. She moves her hips, leaning down and lightly pressing her lips to his. Dean sets a hand on the side of her face, sliding it up and running it through her hair.

His other hand slipping from her hip down her thigh as he flips her onto her back.


"Let me see your knife." Sam says.

"Why?" Dean asks.

"So I can gouge my eyes out."

Dean laughs and Alexis sinks in her seat. Thank God he didn't see it was me.

"It's a beautiful, natural act, Sam." Dean chuckles.

"Its a part of you I never wanted to see, Dean."

"Hey, I appreciate you giving me some quality time with..." Dean trails off, monetarily meeting Alexis' eyes in the rear view mirror.

Vivian nudges Alexis' side, giving her a look.

"Yeah, no problem." Sam shrugs.

"Really? I gotta say I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll. Something."

"No, not at all. You deserve to have a little fun."

"Well, I'm in violent agreement with you there." Dean chuckles.

"I don't think the definition of fun involves naked people." Vivian shrugs.

"So what's Bobby got?" Dean asks.

"Crop failure and cicada swarm outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. Now it could demonic omens--"

"Or a bad crop and bug problem."

"But it's our only lead."

"Any freaky deaths?"

"Nothing Bobby could find. Not yet."

"Its weird, man. The night the gates opened, storm clouds were sighted over how many cities?"

"Seventeen." Alexis answers, leaning forward.

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