Chapter 28: Crazy is our forte

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Jus in Bello 2

"Hey, where's my car?" Dean questions as Amici walks back in the room, bag of salt in hand.

"Impound lot out back." The cop answers.


"Wait," Amici stops. "You're not going out there?"

"Yeah, I gotta get something out of my trunk."


Alexis was pouring salt on the windowsill as Dean rushed through the door.

"They're coming!" He yells.

"Who did you piss off?" She asks as she watches a big black cloud hurdles toward the building.

"Hurry up." Dean grabs her arm, dragging her down the hall and to the lobby area where everyone else was. Dean throws Sam a sawed-off, then hands one to Alexis.

The room went completely dark as the black cloud of demons slam into every window and door, blocking the little light that the moon provided.

Alexis stood next to Dean, watching the windows. She scans her eyes back and forth as the lights stop flickering and the demons disappear, the moonlight streaming back into the room.

"Everybody okay?" Sam questions as he, Dean, and Alexis share a look.

"Define 'okay'." Henricksen replies.

"'Okay' meaning, not dead. Traumatized is out of our hands, but dead? Dead we can control." Alexis shrugs.

"Right," Dean reaches into a little pouch, pulling out some necklaces with a charm hanging off the end. "Everybody needs to put these on. It'll keep you from being possessed." He hands each person one.

"What about you, Sam, and Alexis?" Nancy asks.

Sam and Dean pull the neckline of their shirt down to reveal a tattoo. The tattoo was an anti-possession symbol. Alexis had the exact same tattoo expect for hers was just above her right hip. So she pulled the hem of her shirt up ever so slightly.

"Smart." Henricksen nods. "How long you have those?"

"Not long enough." Sam answers.


Alexis lay on the leather couch, her head resting on Deans leg as he inspected his gun. She picked at the fraying fabric of the hole in the knee of Deans jeans. She glances at Henricksen, who stood at a desk with a plaque in hand.

"For about a hundred demons to be right outside the door, this is super boring." Alexis mentions.

"Boring is good, darlin'." Dean loads another bullet into his gun.


"Shotgun shells full of salt." Henricksen sighs.

"Whatever works." Dean shrugs.

"Fighting off monsters with condiments." Henricksen pauses, picking up another gun. "So turns out demons are real."

"FYI, ghosts are real too."

Alexis hands Dean another bullet, chuckling a little Henricksen's eyes widen as he looks over at the two.

"Werewolves, vampires, changelings." Alexis rattles off. "The list goes on and on."

"Evil clowns that eat people." Dean adds.

"Yeah, a personal favorite." Alexis holds another bullet out to him.

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