Chapter 2: Excuse me

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The magnificent seven 2

Bobby yawns. "What time is it?"

Dean checks his watch. "Seven past midnight."

Alexis sighs, stepping over the console and settling in Deans lap, who sat in the passenger seat of the car. "Can't see shit back there. If I'm gonna be on a stake-out then I kinda have to see the building we're watching."

"You sure this is the right place?" Bobby questions.

"No." Dean answers. "But me and Lexi spent all day canvassing this stupid town with this guys stupid mug-" Dean grabs the paper with his picture in it from the dashboard. "-and supposedly, he drinks at this stupid bar."

A bang on the window made Dean and Alexis jump.

"Holy shit!" Alexis curses, setting a hand on her chest. Sam chuckles, opening the car door.

"Its not funny." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam pushes Deans seat forward, climbing in the back.

"Ow, ow, ow." Alexis mutters before finally relaxing as Dean closes the door and leans back.

"So John Doe's name is, uh, Walter Rosen. He's from Oak Park just west of Chicago. Went missing a week ago." Sam explains.

"The night the Devils Gates opened?" Dean asks.


"Think he's possessed?"

"It's a good bet. So, uh, he just walks up to someone, touches them and they go psycho or something?"

"Those demons that got out, they'll be able to do things we haven't seen." Bobby tells them.

"You mean, the demons we let out?" Sam corrects him.

"Guys." Dean says. Everyone looks in the direction Dean gestured to the man from the photo got out of his car walking toward the bar. "Alright. Showtime."

"Wait a minute." Bobby tells him.


"What did I just say? We don't know what to expect outta this guy. We should tail him till we know."

"So he kills someone's and we sit here with our junk in our hands?"

"We're no good dead. We're not gonna make a move till we know what the score is."

"Hey, Bobby." Sam says. "I don't think that's an option."

"Why not?"

Sam nods across the parking lot and the others look up to see Isaac and Tamara walking toward the bar.

"Damn it."


Alexis steps out of the car that Bobby had driven into the bar since they couldn't get the doors open. Her eyes landed on Isaac, who lay dead on the floor as she slung holy water on the demons. Sam had gotten Tamara in the car.

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