Chapter 36: I can--I can fix this

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No rest for the wicked 2

Alexis glances behind her as she heard sirens. Blue and red lights flash behind the impala. Alexis' heartbeat picked up as Dean pulled over to the side of the road.

"We getting pulled over?" Sam asks.

"No, the cop just wants your number. Free Saturday?" Alexis rolls her eyes.

"I got a busted taillight." Dean says. "Its not like we're in a hurry or nothing." He rolls down his window as Sam hands him a slip of paper. "Problem, officer?"

Alexis gazed out the window and she let out a small gasp. Demon, a voice in her yelled as she seen the mans face.

"License and registration, please." The officer held out his hand. Dean hands him the paper.. "Do you realize you have a taillight out, Mr. Hagar?"

Alexis taps Deans shoulder, discreetly nodding toward the officer. Dean finally looks up to him. "Yes. Yes, sir." He nods.

Ugh, he can't see it, she thought.

"Uh, you know, I've been meaning to take care of that." Dean continues. "As a matter of fact--" Dean opened his car door, hitting the officer and making him fall to the ground, yelling out in pain.

"Hmm, maybe he could see it." Alexis leans over the front seat to watch as Dean beat the crap out of the guy.

"Hey!" Sam yells, getting out and running around the car just as Dean stabbed the man in the throat. Red light glows through the wound. The body falls to the ground.

Bobby jumps out of his car, running over. Alexis rolls her eyes, exiting the car herself.

"What the hell happened?" Bobby asks.

"Dean just killed a demon." Sam answers. "How'd you know."

"I just knew." Dean answers. "I could see its face. Its real one under that one."

"Don't worry." Alexis pats his shoulder. "I just know too. Demons real faces are super ugly, huh?"


Sam, Dean, Alexis, and Bobby were covering the cop car in tree limbs after stuffing the dead body back into said car.

"So, what? Now you're seeing demons?" Sam asks.

"I've been seeing all kinds of things lately, but nothing like this." Dean answers.

"Actually, its not all that crazy." Bobby says.

"How's it not that crazy?" Dean questions.

"What you got? Just over five hours to go? You're piercing the veil, Dean. You're glimpsing the B-side." Bobby explains.

"Makes sense." Alexis shrugs.

"A little less New Age-y, please." Dean shakes his head.

"You're almost hell's bitch. So you can see hell's other bitches." Bobby reiterated.

"Thank you." Dean nods, sarcasm dripping from his words.

"Hey, does that mean I'm already hell's bitch? You know, I see shit all the time." Alexis spoke up. "And, does the piercing of the veil mean he can see everything or just hell related shit?"

"I dunno, maybe." Bobby shrugs.

"It'll actually come on handy." Sam says.

"Glad my doomed soul's good for something." Dean sighs.

"Damn right it is." Bobby sets another tree limb on the top of the car. "Lilith's probably got demons stashed all over town. We can't let them sound the alarm. If she knows we're here, we're dead before we start."

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