Chapter 32: What part of calm the hell down do you not understand

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Long distance call 2

Sam, Dean, and Alexis trail behind the tour group as the guide leads them. "And we're walking. And we're walking."

"And I'm gonna commit murder if this chick doesn't stop saying that." Alexis mumbles. Dean chuckles, slipping an arm around her waist.

"And here we have one of the museum's most unique and treasured possessions: Thomas Edison's 'spirit phone'." The guide puts air quotes around those two words as the group stops in front of the phone. "Did you know that Mr. Edison , while being one of America's most beloved inventors was also a devout 'occultist'? Ooh!"

"What's with the quote-y fingers?" Dean whispers.

"Who the hell knows?" Alexis replies.

"He spent years working on this, his final invention which he wad convinced could be used to 'communicate" with the 'dead'. Pretty spooky, huh?" The guide checks her watch. "And we're walking. We are walking. We're walking." She herds the group of people like sheep into the next room. "And we're not touching that."

Sam, Dean, and Alexis stay put, taking a few steps toward the phone. Sam pulled out the EMF detector.

"Anything?" Dean asks.

"Nothing." Sam answers, shoving the device back in his pocket.

"What do you think?"

"I think its a load of bullshit." Alexis shrugs.

"Honestly," Sam begins. "it kinda looks like a old pile of junk to me."

"Its not even plugged in." Dean nods.

"Maybe it didn't work like that." Sam suggests.

"It doesn't matter, I don't think this is what we're looking for." Alexis sighs.

"Or," Dean nudges her side. "maybe its like a radio tower, you know? Broadcasting the dead all over town."

"Hmm, that's possible." Alexis nods.

"Could be." Sam says.

"Well, the caller ID is 100 years old, right?" Dean continues. "Right around the time this thing was built."

"But why would it all of a sudden start working now?" Sam asks.

"Drawing a blank, huh?" Alexis crosses her arms over her chest.

"I don't know." Dean mutters. "But as long as the moldy are calling the freshes, its the best reason we got."

"Yeah, maybe." Sam agrees.

"So maybe it really is Dad."


Alexis sat across the table from Dean in the dark motel room as Sam slept. The phone and two cups of coffee sat between them. Dean reaches over and set his hand on her. "Sweetheart, go get some sleep."

Alexis shakes her head. "Nah, its okay. I'll wait up with you."

A few seconds later Deans cell rang, the number appearing on the screen. SHA33. Dean quickly answered the phone, standing. He looks to Alexis. She nods her head and Dean started moving toward the other end of the room. "Dad?"

Alexis heard the bathroom door click shut and she sighs.

She tapped her foot against the floor as she watched the clock. Then, she stood, moving toward the door right as it opened.

"Dean, what is it?" She asks once seeing the look on his face.

"He said the guy who holds my contract is here." Dean spits out, his words rushed.

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