Chapter 4: I set his brother on fire

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Bad day at black rock 2

Alexis ran her finger over the rim of her cup as she looked out of the window.

"Bobby's right. The lore goes way back." Sam sighs, not looking up from his laptop. "Pure hoodoo. Can't just cut it off any rabbit. It has to be in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the 13th."

"Sounds like an awful lot of work for one rabbit foot." Alexis turns back to the brothers.

Dean sighs. "I say from now on, we only go to places with Biggerson's." Dean groans, holding his head in his hands.

Alexis smiles, taking a spoonful of his ice cream. "Brain freeze?"

"Can I freshen you up?" A waitress asks as she walks up to the table.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." Sam slides his coffee cup toward her. "Thanks."

The waitress looks up, smiling at him. She moved the coffee pot, spilling some on the table. "Oh. Let me wipe that up."

"Uh, no worries. That's okay. I got it. Uh..."

Dean and Alexis share a look.

"Its no trouble. Really." The waitress insists.

"Okay." Sam mumbles.

"Sorry about that."

"Its alright."

The waitress smiles at Sam before walking away. Sam leans forward, watching her.

"Dude, if you were ever gonna get lucky." Dean looks at Sam.

Alexis elbows him in the side. "Must everything be sexual with you?"

"Shut up." Sam glances at Dean.

"Damn it." Alexis hisses, grabbing Deans cup of coffee out of his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"She didn't refill my cup." Alexis shrugs, lifting it to her lips.

"So you take mine?"


Sam went to pick up his coffee and it slipped out of his hand, spilling all over him. "Oh. Ahh." He stood quickly, turning around and running into a waiter. "Sorry." He apologized as food flew everywhere.

"How was that good?" Dean asks as Sam turns to face him and Alexis.

"It wasn't." Alexis states. Sam reaches in his pocket for the rabbit foot, but it wasn't there.

"Son of a bitch." Dean groans, standing up.


"Come on." Dean says, running out of the building and through the parking lot.

"Whoa!" Sam yelled as he fell to the ground. Dean and Alexis stop, turning to look.

"Wow, you suck." Dean moves to help him up. "So, what, now your luck just turns bad?"

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