Chapter 34: Black market organs are expensive

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Time is on my side 2

Canaan, Vermont. That's where Rufus lived. That's also where Dean and Alexis were now, walking up the steps. A white sign hung on the door, it had red and black letter painted on it.




Dean rang the doorbell before beating on the door. The camera that sat in the top corner of the wall turn to the two hunters.

"What?" An annoyed voice cuts through the speaker.

"Hi, uh, Rufus." Dean starts.

"Yeah, even if I am, the question is still the same. What?"

"Uh, I'm Dean Winchester and this is Alexis Smith, we're friends of Bobby Singer."


"You called him this morning, dude." Alexis says into the intercom.


Dean chuckles as Alexis rolls her eyes. "Uh," Dean clears his throat. "you told Bobby that a British chick made contact with you."

"Yeah, and so?"

"Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah." Rufus answers.

"Well, where is she?" Alexis asks impatiently.

No answer.

"Asshole." Alexis mutters.

"Could you tell me where to find her?" Dean asks.


"Of course not." Dean sighs. "Ahem, look, Rufus, man, heh--"

The front door opened and a man stood there. "Look, let me point something out to you. You are knocking at my door, so don't 'look, man' me. I'm not your man. And don't call me dude." He points to Alexis.

"I'm sorry, sir." Dean apologized. He nudges Alexis' side.

She sighs. "I'm sorry."

"I'm gonna tell you a little story. Once upon a time, Bobby called me. Asked me to call him if I got a whiff of Bela Talbot. I got a whiff, I called. The end."

"That was a horrible story." Alexis crosses her arms over her chest. Dean gives her a look.

"Okay, if you could just tell me where she is. I mean, that'd be great, heh." Dean says.

"Dean Winchester, right?"


"Dean, do I look like I'm here to help you?"

"I'm gonna say no, heh."

"The get the hell off my property."

"Alright, hey, fair enough. I got one more question for you, though." Dean reaches in his duffle bag. "See, I got this, ahem, bottle of Scotch and, uh..." He held up the boxed bottle of alcohol. "Is this considered good?"

Rufus smiles.


"Well, bottoms up." Dean held up his glass as the three of them sat at a table. Rufus had invited Dean and Alexis in for a drink, which they agreed to.

"You know, I don't even bother drinking unless its this stuff." Rufus states. "Nectar of the gods, I'm telling you."

"Yeah, it's a nice change, you know. Most of my whiskey comes from a plastic jug." Dean replies.

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