Chapter 26: But its Wednesday

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Mystery Spot 3

"So you think you're caught in what again?" Dean asks as the three sat in the diner once more.

"Eat your breakfast." Sam barely glances at Dean before turning back to the man who'd changed syrup flavors.


"He's right. Eat your breakfast. Be quiet." Alexis pats his arm. The man stands, heading for the door. Sam grabs the paper bag he had beside him, follow the man with Alexis trailing behind him.

"What's in the bag?" Dean calls out.


After catching up to the guy, Sam pins him to the fence.

"I know who you are." Sam tells him, pressing a stake to his neck. "Or should I say what?"

"Oh my god. Please, don't kill me."

"Uh, Sam? Lex?" Dean looks between them.

"It took us a long time, but we got it." Sam continues.

"You ratted yourself out. Lucky for us." Alexis adds.


"Its your m.o. that gave you away." Sam says. "Going after pompous jerks, giving them their just deserts. Your kind loves that, don't they?"

"Yeah, sure. Okay. Just put the stake down." He pleads with Sam.

"Sam, maybe you should--" Dean starts.

"No!" He yells back at Dean.

"Listen, buddy," Alexis looked at her boyfriend. "we're going to shove this stake into his heart. 'Kay?"

"There's only one creature powerful enough to do what you're doing. Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops. In fact, you'd pretty much have to be a god. You'd have to be a trickster." Sam explains.

"Mister, my name is Ed Coleman. My wife's name is Amelia. I got two kids. I sell ad space."

"Oh, drop the act. It won't save you." Alexis hisses.

"Don't lie to me! I know what you are. We've killed one of your kind before." Sam yells.

The man smiles, his features changing into the trickster they had thought was dead. "Actually, bucko, you didn't."

"You've gotta be kidding me." Alexis mumbles.

"Why are you doing this?" Sam asks.

"You're joking, right? You chuckleheads tried to kill me last time. Why wouldn't I do this?"

"Hasselback. What about him?" Dean speaks up.

"That putz?" The trickster glances at Dean. "He said he didn't believe in wormholes, so I dropped him in one." He laughs. "Huh? Then you guys showed up. I made you the second you hit town."

"So this is fun for you?" Sam asks.

"Just some twisted game? Fucking with people's heads?" Alexis adds.

"Killing Dean over and over again?" Sam continues.

"One, yes, it is fun. And two, this is so not about killing Dean. This joke is on you two. Sam and Alexis. Watching him die every day. Forever."

"You son of a bitch." Sam mutters.

"How long will it take you two to realize you can't save him? No matter what?"

"Oh, yeah? I kill you, this all ends now."

"Sam, move. If you won't kill him now, I will." Alexis glances at him.

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