Chapter 12: Really warmed my heart

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Fresh blood 1

Sam, Dean, and Alexis walk through the dark warehouse, shining the flashlights around until a pool of blood catches their eyes. The three hunters move toward the body.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?" Sam tells the man.

"Where is she? Where'd she go?" Dean asks. The man points in a direction and Dean and Alexis take off. Dean took off in one direction, gently nudging Alexis in the other.


Alexis rounds a corner to see Dean standing in the middle of the room, the blonde vampire walking toward him. He had his arm held up, blood dipping off his skin to the floor. "I smell good, don't I? I taste even better." Dean drops his machete to the ground.  "Come on. Free lunch."

The vampire ran toward him. Alexis curses under her breath, getting ready to run toward the two, but her sleeve of her jacket was hung up on a nail sticking out of the wall.

She gets free, running toward Dean as the vampire grabbed his neck. Alexis grabs the vamps shoulder, jabbing the needle into her neck. The vampire fell to the ground and Alexis looked up at Dean as he smiles, running a hand over his neck.

"Whoo!" Dean huffs.

Alexis shoved his chest making him stumble backwards a little. "What the hell are you thinking?" She stepped over the vampires body. "I am so sick and tired of you throwing yourself at death!" She yells, walking towards Dean. "I don't care about your dumb 'I'm gonna die anyway' speech, so save it. I'm dying too, you know? You don't see me jumping at every near death experience. You have no clue how bad I want to tie a rope around your neck right now." She hisses.

"Ooh, kinky. I like it." Dean chuckles, trying to set a hand in her arm. She slaps it away.

"Oh, don't think you can make some sexual joke and everything will be fine." She points at him. "Things don't work that way when you almost let a vampire bite you."

"Jealous? Don't worry, Lex, you're the only one--"

"Finish that sentence. I dare you." Alexis glares at him. "You know what? This is ridiculous. Fuck this. I'm done having the same argument. Fuck you, Dean!"

"You do."

Alexis took another step toward him. They were chest to chest now. Alexis looks up, meeting his eyes. "You wanna die so bad, I'll kill you right now. Quit being stupid."

"Guys." Sam says hesitantly.

"What?" Dean asks as Sam glances between the vamps body the the two hunters. Alexis took a step back from Dean.

"Cutting it a little close, don't you think?" Sam asks Dean.

"Aw. I was just chum in the water. Worked, didn't it?" Dean looks down at his bleeding arm. "Oh."

Alexis turns around, aggressively grabbing his wrist and jerking him toward her. She glared at him as she held her hand above the wound. A white glow shines, healing Deans arm. "Do something dumb again and I won't heal you." She warns.


Sam, Dean, and Alexis stood in front of the still unconscious vampire that was tied to a chair in the middle of their motel room. The mattresses stood up against the wall, covering the windows to block anyone from seeing what was going on.

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