Chapter 11: I don't accept gifts that aren't food or money

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Red sky at morning 2

Sam, Dean, and Alexis sat in the impala across the street from the house they were watching.

"Anything good?" Dean asks, looking at Sam, who was reading papers on the two brothers.

"No, not really." Sam shrugs. "I mean, both brothers are Duke University grads. No criminal record. I mean, a few speeding tickets. They inherited their fathers real estate fortune six years ago."

"Ooh, how much? Like, murder-your-father-get-rich enough?" Alexis asks, turning in her seat to face Sam.

"Hundred twelve million." Sam answers.

Dean whistles. "Nice life."

"Definitely enough to make two brothers murder their father." Alexis nods.

"I mean, nice, clean, aboveboard. So why'd they see the ship?" Sam asks. "Why Sheila too? What do they have in common?"

"Maybe nothing." Dean suggests.

"There's always something."

"Hey, you!" Peter shouts, walking down the driveway toward the car.

"Think we've been made." Dean mutters.

"Oh, you think, bumblebee?" Alexis asks.

"Is that really the nickname that's gonna stick?" Dean asks as the three exit the car.

"Guys." Sam hisses. "Not now."

"What are you guys doing? You watching me?"

"Sir, calm down, please." Sam walks around the car.

"You guys aren't cops. Not dressed like that. Not in that crappy car."

Alexis scoffs. "Asshole. My outfit looks great."

"Whoa, hey, no need to get nasty." Dean gives the man a look.

"Look, we are cops, okay? We're undercover. We think you're in danger." Sam tries to calm the man.

"From who?"

"If you just settle down, we'll talk about it."

"You guys, just stay away from me."

"Wait." Sam says as the man runs toward his car, getting in.

"Hey, you moron, we're trying to help you." Dean calls out. The car drives toward the other gate before cutting off, the engine sputtering.

"That's can't be good." Dean states.

"No. Get the salt gun." Sam tells him. He and Alexis climb over the gate and run toward the car. By the time they got to the car Peter was already slumped against the steering wheel. They called out his name, beating on the window.

The ghost in the passenger seat watched them only turning when Dean yells, "Sam! Lexi!"

The two duck as Dean shoot through the window, the ghost disappearing. Dean unlocks the doors through the now broken window. Sam checks Peter for a pulse.

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