Chapter 20: I'm still kinda pissed at you

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This one does not follow an episode

Alexis hung up the phone, tapping her fingers against her thigh. "Bobby has everything. Its ready."

Sam looks at her, and she gives him a look. Don't forget the plan.

"Did you hear me, bumblebee? South Dakota, now. Step on it." Alexis hits Deans shoulder. Dean sighs, nodding his head.

Ruby's words rung in both if their heads. There was no way out of it, but Alexis was desperate and what could it hurt to try?

This has to work, Alexis thought. If it didn't, she was going to kill Eric.


"Thanks for this, Bobby." Alexis sighs as she walks through the door into his living room, setting June down on the floor.

"No problem. Whatever it takes to save your dumbasses." Bobby replies.

"Wow, thanks, Bobby." Dean smiles.


After getting everything prepared, Alexis tapped her foot against the floor as she slides the knife over her arm, letting the blood drop into the bowl. She set the knife down on the table before grabbing the box of matches from her coat pocket.

She struck the match, dropping into the bowl. Alexis turned to the Winchesters. "Well, are you two gonna stand there like a bunch of creeps or are you gonna help me? Also, bring me my purse."

"What are you gonna do, bribe the damn thing? I don't think 50 bucks is gonna save a soul." Dean says.

"One," she snatches her bag from him. "I have the ritual written down on a piece paper. Two, go stand over there." She points to the other side of the table. "Sam, move your ass. Plus, if I was gonna bribe this thing, I'd use your money."

Dean rolls his eyes as Alexis pulls a piece of paper from her bag.

"Alright, everybody shut up. I need silence for this." Alexis takes a deep breath. She closes her eyes, reciting the words she hadn't yet memorized. She just knew.

She opens her eyes, glancing around. He's dead.

Dean scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "See, Lexi, I told you it was bullshit." Undertones of disappointment laced his voice. Though he'd never admit it, Dean was hoping this would work.

"No, it-it has to work." She stutters.

Then, A high-pitched ringing filled the air making all the hunters wince. A blinding white light took over the room.

All the hunters wait until the light and ringing fade before finally opening their eyes and looking toward the devils trap they had painted. A woman with long blonde hair in a floor length white dress stood on the middle, smiling.

"Alexis Hart. I've been expecting you." The woman smiles, stepping out of the devils trap. She frowns as four guns were pointed at her, one being the Colt.

"What are you?" Sam asks as the woman interlaced her fingers, resting her hands in front of her.

"Not a demon, obviously." She laughs, her voice light and airy. "It does not matter what I am. My name is Carly and I'm here to help. Alexis, I know your mother. At least hear me out."

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