Chapter 9: I did not need any more crazy bitches in my house

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Bedtime stories 2

Alexis steps inside the house as Dean sets a hand on her back. She'd seen a mouse on the porch, so that was another sign that this was Cinderella's house.

"Well, who knows? Maybe you'll find your fairy godmother." Dean chuckles, looking at Sam. Sam gives his brother a look. Wandering around and barely making it a few feet past the doorway, the three hunters hear a clatter in the distance.

Sharing a look, all of them pull out their guns. Dean closes the door as he and Alexis follow Sam into another room. The sound rings out once again making Dean gesture for Sam to go through a doorway.

"Help! I'm in here." A voice calls out. The hunters move into the kitchen to see a young blonde girl handcuffed to a cabinet.

"Hey, hey, its okay. Don't worry. We're here." Sam tells her as he kneels down.

"You have to help me. She's a lunatic."

"What happened?" Alexis asks.

"My stepmom. She just freaked out, screamed at me, beat me, chained me up." The girl explains as Sam pulls out a lock pick.

"Where is she now?" Sam asks.

"I don't know."

"Sam? Lexi?" Dean says, making the two look up. A little girl stood in the doorway. She had dark hair tied in a red bow, pale skin and A white dress on her. Once meeting the hunters eyes, she turns and walks into the other room.

Dean stood, following the girl.


Alexis stood next to Dean they leaned against the hood of the car as he turned the apple in his hands. The two look up when Sams voice grabs their attention.

"Paramedics picked up Cinderella." Sam tells them as he walks toward the two.

"That's good." Dean nods, tossing the apple up and catching it.


Dean tosses the apple to Sam, who catches it. "So little girl, shiny red apple. I'm guessing that means something to you, fairy tale boy."

"I think its Snow White."

"Is this what they teach you on college or is reading fairy tales a hobby of yours?" Alexis asks, smiling. Sam glares at her.

"Snow White? Aw, I saw that movie." Dean pushes himself off the car, moving toward the door. "Well, the porn version anyway. There was this wicked stepmother. Phew, she was wicked."

"I regret all of my life decisions. Mainly the one where I became your friend." Alexis smacks his arm.

"There is a wicked stepmother and she tries to kill Snow White with a poisoned apple." Sam explains.

"I'll take that poisoned apple. One that works, preferably." Alexis sighs.

"But the apple doesn't actually kill the girl, right?" Dean asks.

"No. It does not." Alexis answers.

"It puts her in a deep sleep. So deep, its almost like she's dead." Sam throws Dean the apple.

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