Chapter 10: The more I want to shove a knife into her throat

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Red sky at morning 1

Alexis watched out the window as the impala sped through the night.

"So I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?" Dean asks, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Its not your birthday." Sam says hesitantly.

"No, his birthdays not for like a month and a half." Alexis answers.

"Happy Purim? Dude, I have no idea whay you're talking about." Sam shrugs.

"There's a bullet missing from the Colt. Wanna tell me how that happened?"

Sam glances at Alexis, who shrugs.

"But you know who's birthday is coming up? Mine. I want a million dollars and a trip to a beach. Don't care which one." Alexis tries to change the subject as she leans against the front seat.

"You knew about this?" Dean asks her.


"I know it wasn't me, so unless you two have been shooting at some evil cans--" Dean starts.


"You went after her, didn't you?" Dean looks at Sam. "The crossroads demon, after I told you not to."

"Yeah, well." Sam says.

"You could've gotten yourself killed."

"I didn't."

"And you shot her."

Alexis slumps in her seat. Maybe Dean would just overlook the fact that she knew. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm in for an earful.

"She was a smartass." Sam shrugs.

"So, what, does that mean I'm out of my deal?" Dean asks.

"Don't you think I might've mentioned that little fact, Dean? Someone else holds your contract. "


"She wouldn't say."

"Well, you should find out who. Our beat lead would be the crossroads demon. Oh, wait a minute."

"That's not funny."

"No, its not. It was stupid risk and you shouldn't have done it. And you--" Dean looks to Alexis. "--you shouldn't have helped him."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did my trying to save you somehow piss you off? Well, boo-hoo. Get over it." Alexis rolls her eyes.

"I shouldn't have done it?" Sam asks. "You're my brother. No matter what you do, I'm gonna try to save you. And I'm sure as hell it gonna apologize for it, alright?"

Silence fell upon the three. Now or never, Alexis thinks. "I know how to get us out of the deal." She blurts out, her words rushed.

Both Winchesters look at her. "What?" Came their question in unison.

"Its a recent thing, okay? Kinda recent. Like when Sam stole the Colt recent. I didn't know how to say it. I-I know how to get one of us out. Eric, my demon dad, he-he infiltrated my dream and told me."

"Alex, are you being serious?" Sam asks, hope clear in his voice.


"Of course she's not being serious. There's no way out." Dean cuts her off.

"Dean, I am. One of us can get out of this. I know how." Alexis tells him.



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