Chapter 15: Just win

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This one does not follow an episode

"So you're denying it?" Dean asks, looking over at Alexis.

"No, not at all. I'll admit it--" Alexis was cut off by her phone ringing. She reaches over, grabbing it off of the bedside table and pulling the hem of her shirt down a little. "Yeah?" Alexis returns to her spot, laying down.

"Hey, where are you?" Vivian asks.

"Uh, Idaho. Why?" Alexis answer, swatting at Dean as he presses a kiss to the corner of her mouth, then her cheek.

"Where, specifically? I wanted to come stay with you for a while. You know, do the hunting thing or whatever."

"Okay," Alexis bites back a moan as Deans lips trail down her neck and he finds a sweet spot. "U-uh, well, now's not really a good time to talk. I'll text you?" She moves the phone slightly. "Stop it." She hisses, lightly hitting Deans shoulder. He squeezes her hip, lightly nipping at the skin of her neck.

"What? Stop what?" Vivian questions. "What are you doing?"

"Hmm. Nothing. Nothing at all." Alexis answers quickly.

"You're being weird."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll text you, okay." Alexis hangs up the phone. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing at all." Deans lips brush her collarbone as he speaks, his hand sliding across her stomach and toward the waistband of her jeans. He unbuttons her jeans, pressing his lips back to hers.

Alexis slipped her hands under his shirt just before he pulled away. Dean turns back to the TV, resting an arm behind his head.

Alexis sat up. "What was that?"

"You think you're the only one who knows how to tease someone."

"Oh, no," Alexis straddled his hips. "you started this, you're going to finish it."


Alexis lay facing Dean, running her fingers over his arm and shoulder as Deans hand rested on her back, his fingers brushing over her skin. Tangled in the sheets and each other, the two lay in silence. Alexis leans forward slightly, pressing her lips to his Adams apple.

An aggressive knock on the door made Alexis groan. She stood up, wrapping a sheet around her as she moves to the door. Completely forgetting Vivian had called earlier and would be showing up any minute, Alexis opened the door.

Alexis' eyes widen. "You're here? Now? Uh, one second."

Vivian scoffs. "Can you two not keep it in your pants? You knew I was coming."

"Um, well--You--just give us a minute."

"I have to go to the bathroom. If you two aren't fully clothed when I come back, I will murder you both." Vivian's walks into the motel room, rolling her eyes and walking into the bathroom.

Alexis sighs, closing the door and moving back to the bed. "Get dressed, Casanova." She throws clothes at Dean.


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