Chapter 29: Do I get points if I pretend to care

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Ghostfacers! 1

Alexis huffed from the backseat of the Impala. The three hunters were driving down a dirt road, heading for the Morton House. A supposed haunted house that, every four years, was one of the most haunted places. Every leap year someone would go in the house and never come out. Or they had left before midnight out of fear.

She looked out the window, swearing she seen lights flash around like crazy. Like there were people running though the woods.

The car slowed as Sam shined a flashlight to the house. Alexis hummed along to the music blasting through the radio as Dean pulled the car around the back of the house.

"You know, I think somebody's already here." Alexis leans against the front seat.

"Probably some dumb teenagers." Dean glances at her.

"Ooh, we should totally scare the shit out of them."


Sam, Dean, and Alexis rush through the door. Yelling that they were police officers and telling everyone to freeze.

"Lets see some identification." Sam tells the two men. "Come on, let's see some ID."

"Are we under arrest?" One asks.

"We are unarmed." The other tells them.

Dean yanked the ID from the mans hand. "You wanna explains that weirdo outfit, Mr, uh, Corbett?"


"Whoa. I know you." The other guy says.

"Oh, I'm sure. Now ID, hurry up." Alexis held out her hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. I know all three of you guys. Yeah."

"Holy shit." Sam curses.

"What?" Dean and Alexis ask.

"Uh, west Texas, the tulpa we had to take out. Those two goofballs that almost got us killed." Sam explains. "Uh, Hellhounds or something."

"Oh, shit. Those idiots." Alexis nods.

"Fuck me." Dean shines the flashlight at him.

"Yeah. We're not hellhounds anymore." Ed tells them. "Didn't test that well."

"What's going on?" The other man, Corbett, asks.

"They're not cops, buddy." Ed looks at him. "No."

"Ed, thought you had a partner, didn't you? A different guy?" Dean questions. "Is he here?"

"Yeah, yeah. Running around, chasing ghosts."

Alexis scoffs, laughter spilling from her lips. "Sure."

"Okay, listen, you and Rambo--" Dean gestures to Corbett, "--need to get your girlfriends and get out."

Ed clears his throat, taking a step toward Dean. "Listen here, chisel chest, okay? We were here first. We already set up base camp. We beat you."

Dean turns to Sam and Alexis. "They were here first."

"Yeah, we heard, chisel chest." Alexis gives Dean a mocking smile.

"Mm-hm." Ed hums before chuckling.

Dean grabs Ed by the coat, shoving him into the wall. "Ed?"

"Yeah?" Ed groans.

"Where's your partner?"


"What are you doing at the Morton House, huh? On leap year? What are you thinking?" Dean asks as they follow Ed and Corbett to what used to be the living room of the demolished house. Now it was designated base camp.

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