Chapter 33: May I kill your brother

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Time is on my side 1

Dean throws holy water onto the demon they had tied up.

"Ahh! Stop!"

"You ready to talk?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. I don't know anything." The demon says.

"Oh, you hear that, Sam, Lex? He doesn't know anything." Dean glances over at the two.

"Yeah, I heard." Sam replies, arms crossed over his chest.

Alexis sighs, shaking her head. "Too bad I really don't believe him."

"I'm telling you the truth." The demon insists.

"Oh, you are?" Dean asks. "My god, then I owe you an apology. Allow me to make it up to you." He grabs the demons jaw, pouring holy water on him.

"We're great at apologies, don't ya think?" Alexis asks.

"Now I'm gonna ask you one last time." Dean continues as the demon yells. "Who holds my contract?"

The demon chuckles, lifting his head. His eyes were completely black now. "Your mother. Yeah, she, uh, showed it to me right before I bent her over."

Alexis rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

Dean leans down to the demon. "I want a name. Or else--"

"Or else what? Hmm? You gonna squirt your holy water in both ends. Please. Brother, that's like a flea bite compared to what's coming time if I tell you jack." He pauses as Dean straightens up. "The only thing I'm scared of is the demon holding your ticket."

Dean looks over at Sam and Alexis. Sam nods, beginning the exorcism.

Dean walks around the devils trap. "How's that feel? Does that feel good?"

"Go ahead." The demon says. "Send me back to hell. Because when you get there, I'll be waiting for you. With a few pals who are dying for a little meet and greet with Dean Winchester." He laughs.

"Should I?" Sam asks.

"Send him someplace he can't hurt anyone else." Dean tells Sam.

Alexis reaches into the pocket of her jacket, pulling out a knife and stepping toward the demon as Sam kept reading the exorcism. He stops, giving Alexis a questioning look.

"Lex?" Dean asks.

She didn't answer as the sank the blade into the demons head. A red light emits from the wound as Alexis yanked the knife upward. Blood splashed, landing on her cheek as more leaked from the now dead demons head. "Yeah, well, you won't be making it." Alexis flips the knife in her hand as she used her to eye to wipe the blood from her face.

She turns back to the Winchesters. "What?" She asks when she received two weird looks. "You're not the only one with connections to demons. At least I get something out of it." Alexis tells Sam. Alexis pulls a bandana from her pocket and wipe the blade clean.


"You ran the prints twice? You're sure?" Sam asks. "Okay. Yeah, just chalk it up to lab error." He chuckles. "Don't I know it. Okay, thanks. Yeah, I'll tell the lieutenant." Sam hangs up the phone just as Dean and Alexis walk into the house. "Bury the body?"

"Yeah." Dean sighs. "Poor schmuck."

Alexis sighs. "He was already dead. I wouldn't have shoved the knife in his brain if he wasn't."

"I know, sweetheart." Dean grabs A beer, setting his hand on her back. "Its like these demons ride them hard just for kicks." He lead Alexis over the old, fraying couch and sat down. He pulls her down into his lap. "Uh, What's the phone call about?"

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