Chapter 14: I'm righting a wrong

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This one does not follow an episode

Dean slipped back into the room, her eyes landing on the still sleeping Alexis. He knew she didn't get much sleep, so he felt bad waking her but today was a special occasion. She couldn't just sleep through it.

Dean sat down on the bed, propping himself up using his elbow. He brushes a piece of hair out of Alexis' face. "Sweetheart." He calls out. Alexis rolls over, draping an arm over him and resting her forehead against his chest. Dean smiles. "Come on, darlin'. Open those pretty eyes for me."

Alexis simply moves closer to him, humming a response.

"Come on, Lexi." Dean presses a kiss to her cheek. "Happy birthday, baby. Now wake up. I've got something for you."

Alexis slowly opens her eyes, tilting her head up to meet Deans eyes. "You remembered?"

"I remember every year, sweetheart, 'cause you ask that question every year."


"So Bobby called, he said he almost has everything to summon...whatever this thing is that's supposed to get one of us out of our deal. That's good, don't you think?" Alexis taps her fingers against the table as the two wait for their food.

"Lexi, darlin', how do you know we can trust this guy? He's a demon. Why would he help us?" Dean asks, setting his glass down.

"I thought the same thing, Dean. I didn't just believe him right off the bat. He said that since his old plan failed, he had a new one. Which somehow ties into this. He told me that only one of us is meant to go to hell. He said either way, whether it was me or not, that it still benefits him. Somehow me going hell would help him. Dean, I have a really good feeling about this. I think this is our chance. One of us can live on with Sam."

Dean was silent for a second. "Sweetheart, lets worry about those things later, okay? Lets just enjoy your birthday. I got you something. Well, its one of the things I got you."

"Dean, you didn't have--" Alexis was cut off as Dean set a neatly wrapped box in front of her.

"Shut up and take the gift." Dean smiles.

"Wrapping paper? Someone went all out." Alexis jokes as she unwraps the gift.

"Last week you said you need a new sketchbook. You were running out of pages. So I got you a new one and a blue pen to go with it. Its the only color pen you'll use." Dean shrugs. "This isn't it. I, uh, I got you something else. I wanted to save that for later."

Alexis looks up at Dean. "Thank you. It means a lot. How'd you know I only use blue pens?"

"Lexi, I've known you for, what, almost fifteen years. I could tell you your entire routine by now. Down to the tiny details."

"That totally doesn't sound stalk-ish at all." Alexis mumbles in a joking tone, leaning across the table to press a light kiss to his lips.


Alexis sighs, content as she stares up at the sky, watching the clouds. She lay on the hood of the impala beside Dean, she reaches over, grabbing his hand and interlacing their fingers.

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