Chapter 18: Witches are bitches

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Malleus Maleficarum 1

"She was so scared." The victims husband says. "I couldn't do anything to stop it. And I've talked to the police and I've talked to the medical examiner. No one can explain it."

"Well, that's why they put the call in to us, Mr. Dutton." Dean lies.

"But the CDC, that's disease control, right?"

"Yes, it is." Alexis nods.

"What do you think, its some virus?"

"We're not ruling out anything yet." Dean looks up from the notepad he held as Sam closes the bathroom door across the room.

"Mr. Dutton, did Janet have any enemies?" Alexis asks.

"I'm sorry?"

"Anyone who might have a reason to hurt her?" Dean adds.

"Wait. What--?" Mr. Dutton stood. "What are you saying? That somebody poisoned her?"

"We have to cover every base here."

"But, I mean, what kind of poison? You think a person could've done this?"

"Would anyone want to?"

"What? No. No. There's no one that could've....." He trails off, a distant look in his eye.

"Mr. Dutton?" Alexis asks, irritation creeping into her tone.

Mr. Dutton looks back at Dean and Alexis. "Uh, everyone loved Janet."

Dean nods, glancing at Sam, who had was now in the doorway. Sam nods toward the door. "Okay. Thank you very much." Dean says. "We've got everything we need. We'll be out if your way now." He set a hand in Alexis' back as the two head for the door.


"Dude seem a little evasive to you?" Dean asks as the three walk toward the impala.

"Very." Alexis scoffs.

"I don't know. I was under the sink pulling this out." Sam held up a small brown bag. "Hex bag."

Dean took it. "Oh, gross." He groans, opening the bag.

"There are bird bones, rabbits teeth. This cloth us probably cut from something Janet Dutton owned." Sam gestures to the piece of floral fabric.

"Yay, a witch." Sarcasm dripped off Alexis' words as she crossed her arms over her chest, but not before wiping a drop if rain from her cheek. Dean handed Sam the hex bag.

"That's what we're thinking." Dean says.

"Uh, yeah, and not some New Age Wiccan water dowser either." Sam starts. "This is Old World black magic. I mean, warts and all." He opens his car door as Dean and Alexis walk around to the other side.

After getting in the car, Dean turns to Sam. "I hate witches."

"I agree. They're bitches. It rhymes for a reason. Witches are bitches." Alexis leans back in her seat. Sam chuckles.

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